Name: Logan Mac Tire (Mac Tire is the Gaelic word for wolf, translating to Son of the Countryside)
Titles: Pup (From his Foster Father), The Wolf Prince, The last Battle Born
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 6ft 5inch
Physical Characteristics -
Hair: Black, perpetually untidy black hair
Eyes: Blue
Body: Very defined muscles with low body fat, Like a Gymnast
Family: Father (Unknown), Mother (Unknown), Foster Father - Micheal Goodluck (Died 2 years ago from natural causes.)
Personality: Lone wolf until he finds someone he likes (He will want attention from them), Brave (Borderline suicidal), Smart, Extremely loyal to those that he thinks deserve it, Very light Sadist, light Masochist.
Likes: Football (Soccer), Beautiful things (Mostly girls), Animals, Video Games, A good fight.
Dislikes: Perverts, People who threaten people he likes, Arrogance, Womanizers, Totrure, People who like causing pain just because they can, Peeping Toms.
Human Abilities: Master Hand to Hand Combatant, Master Swordsman, Master of Submission Techniques, Master Fighting Technician, Good Technician.
Sacred Gears: The Boosted Gear which holds the Heavenly Dragon Y Ddraig Goch (Also known as - Welsh Dragon, Dragon Goch, Red Dragon Emperor and Red Dragon Emperor of Domination). This Sacred Gear gives the host the ability to double their power every ten seconds. (He is half human so is able to have sacred gear.)
Weapons: Anduril (Flame of the West), Anduril gives absolute control over fire.
Yokai Abilities: Logan is the last of a very powerful species of Yokai called 'Battle Born' They are a Yokai that was literally born for battle. They took the form of a wolf.
Can turn into a wolf, Can use Senjutsu, Very tough skin, Elemental resistance skin, God Killing Fangs, Enhanced Senses, Extremely sharp claws,
Backstory: Logan was found by a man named Micheal when he was young, this man raised him from the moment he found him to be a fighter, and so all his life he trained Logan to be the best he could possibly be before his passing.
Logan never knew his parents, all he was left with was a note with his name on it.
He first found out about the supernatural world when he was being robbed by some local delinquents, during the scuffle he manifested his sacred gear. And with that Draig went on to explain to Logan about his Battle Born Bloodline and the supernatural world. Since then he has been training with his Father in the day and Draig at night in order to control his natural abilities and his sacred gear.
Harem so far: Rias, Sona, Akeno, Tsubaki, Koneko, Yumi (Genderbend Kiba),