Chapter 2: Dealing With Some Idiots

Welcome to the second chapter of my fanfiction. I hope you enjoy it.

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The next morning I woke up a little reluctant to leave the comfort of my bed; custom built by me, what with me being as tall as I am, do you really think that I could fit in a normal-sized bed. Nah, mate not even a king-size is long enough for my legs. So what did I do? I built one. Anyway enough on my sleeping arrangements, let us start the day.

Okay, first things first are get up and shower; gotta stay clean. Then we go and have breakfast, which consists of some eggs and bacon; know the classic. Then I go and clean my teeth and get changed into my workout attire. 5:45 am, ok I've got 3 hours until I need to get to school; that will give me a good amount of time to go for a run and do some light working out. Then when I get done with that I will have some Weetabix, and then he'd go to school.


And that Is where I am right now, sitting next to Yumi in the first period of the day; that just so happens to also be math. Yay me.

[Stop whining it's just school. Some of my hosts had to fight armies and they never complained.]

'Draig, mate, I would gladly take on an army if it meant getting out of this utterly ridiculous class. I mean come on when am I ever going to have to figure out the angle of a triangle.'

[Probably never if the lives of my other hosts is anything to go by.]

'Exactly, so why am I even here.'


'What do you mean opportunity.'

[Well there are a lot of supernatural beings in this town, so you might get to fight a few of them.]

'Good point actually; I don't think that I have ever actually fought a sane opponent, wonder what that's about. Any Idea Draig?'

[Not a clue, unfortunately.]

And that was how math was mostly going, me and Draig just talking to try and get rid of some of the boredom. However, that plan quickly went out of the window as the overly obnoxious group that I observed yesterday started to slowly get louder and louder. A group that I later found out to be quite infamous around here. Now when I say I don't like shameless perverts I mean it but I am so letting this fester until one of them explodes and I get a chance at some entertainment. A nice way to get rid of the boredom I say.

And that is what I did, I waited. Not for long tho, a rather rambunctious trio are they not. As I was sitting there, in my seat, watching them. One of them suddenly jumps up and screams something. I don't actually know what it was but I do know that it sounded quite degrading to the person that they were talking about. So with the thought of protecting the dignity of whoever they were talking about; probably someone in the school, I stand up and walk over to them.

By this point, they are so loud that they have gathered the attention of the whole class. With me standing up and walking over to them all eyes wall onto me, including the trios. 'Hmm, must be something on my face cause as soon as that bald boy laid his eyes on me, his face just turned sour.'

"OI. What do you want, pretty boy." Half shouts, half squeaks the bald one.

"Just to let you know that the class does not appreciate the way you are speaking about this, 'Akeno', whoever she is; myself included, and to tell you to shut up." Well, would you look at that, the human turned into a tomato. Whether it is out of anger or embarrassment I don't know.

"WHAT. Who do you think you are? Just because you are good looking does not mean you can tell us to shut up." Angrily replies the small brown haired one with a rat tail. I mean come on who even has a rat's tail nowadays.

Seemingly gathering courage from his friends, the one with glasses speaks up. "Yeah, why don't you just go back where you're from and leave some girls for us. Wait where are you from."

"One, I'm from Wales pal, and two, you can't talk about women like that; they are not things to be played with." Is my reply somewhat angry? 'Who do these guys think they are? Like, come on you can't talk about women like that. No wonder they don't have girlfriends if this is how they act.'

Gaining a smug look on his face the first guy spoke with slight disgust. "What, that backwater country next to England."

"Excuse me, what did you just say?"

"I said 'what, that backwater country next to England." The bald boy replies. 'Ok, Draig; correct me if I'm wrong, this guy just insulted Wales, our homeland. Did I get that wrong?'

[No, You Did Not Logan]

'Here, mind reminding me what we do to those that insult our homeland.'

[We rip them APART]

"Alright, it's official. I have a problem with you three. Firstly, you disrupt the class with your shouting. Secondly, you start talking about a woman named 'Akeno' and her 'Breasts' in a way that I would call derogatory. THIRDLY, you insult my home-land, the place I was born and raised, the place I call home… What are we going to do about that boys; Wait, don't answer that I already know. At lunchtime, we are going to meet in the main school field to settle this little problem we have. How does that sound?" As I'm talking slowly, I get angrier and angrier.

'Hey Draig, is there a reason that I'm getting angrier here than I normally would?'

[Probably has something to do with your dragon side partner.]

'What do you mean?]

[Well do you remember yesterday when I told you about how your dragon aura can affect other people?] I answer his question with a mental nod. [Well your aura affects you as well and since dragons are known to be quite the angry species, I would guess that your dragon side will influence your anger quite a bit; especially if it is something to do with wales as that is my homeland as well as yours.]

'Well, that makes a lot of sense.'

I come out of my thoughts when I see them dumbly nod their heads. 'Seems my dragon aura leaked out a bit there; hopefully, the devils in school didn't notice it. Nah who am I kidding of course they did. Anyway, I've spent enough time here talking to these three idiots that I feel that any more amount of time and I will end up swinging. So time to call a tactical retreat.'

"Good. Then I will see you then."

And with that, I walk out of the class without even a protest from the teacher.


I'm currently sitting with the student council in their office eating my lunch, all the while getting stared at by all of them.

"*Ahem* Can I help any of you?" I ask while putting away my lunch box.

"Yes, I would like for you to explain to me what happened during the first period this morning between you and the perverted trio. And what you will be doing when you confront them at lunch?" Asked Souna

"Well… They disrupted class, talked about a woman in a way that is quite disrespectful and insulted my home. So when I confront them, I'm, gonna knock them the fuck out." I finish with a kind smile that really isn't that kind.

She replies with a deadpanned gaze. "... You do realize that you just admitted to wishing to commit a violent act on students in front of the whole student council?"

I stand up and say. "Yes and I think that you won't try and stop me because what I'm about to do might stop them and their perverted acts, bringing safety to the privacy of girls on campus; a place where they should really be safe from things like this... Y'know where I come from they would get charged by the police for the number of times They have peeped on girls; if the stories I've heard, been here a day mind you, are true." And with my peace said I leave the room, leaving behind a president who has a lot to think about.


As I approach the big circle that has been formed in the field, I get stopped by a hand on my shoulder. As I turn around I see an incredibly beautiful girl. She is a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair is tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place.

"Ara~ Away to defend my honor sir knight." She says with a teasing smile.

"Yes I am, among other things. Logan Mac Tire, I'm guessing that you are Akeno?" I say as I stretch out my hand for a handshake.

"Yes that would be my name." She says almost a bit dejected. Maybe because I didn't get flustered, Who knows. "Well It was lovely meeting you Akeno, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut this short as I have a trio of perverts to take care of." With that I walk over to the circle.

Just as I'm out of hearing shot Akeno says without taking her eyes off my back. "So what do you think of Rias."

"He is definitely the one who let off their power earlier."


(Inside the Circle)

As soon as I walk into the circle I see all three of them standing around looking confused. As I walk over to them the guy with the glasses says.

"So what do you want us to do in order to get rid of your problem; talk it out?"

'Ahh, it seems that these guys did not think that we are here for a fight. Ha this will be easy. Not that it was ever going to be hard.'

I just continue walking until I'm right in front of the guy that spoke and 'BANG'. Gave him a nice right hook to the chin and he dropped like a sack of tatties. Then I met the bald guy halfway as he rushed at me. He went for a poorly executed overhand, which I duck under. As soon as I've ducked under his punch I elbow him in the liver. He drops straight to his knees. I get back up to full height and kick him in the face, and just like that he is out cold. As I turn to see the last of the trio he is just standing there, looking utterly shell shocked. So I just start walking over to him, this seems to snap him out of his daydreams as a look of determination comes onto his face. He comes at me swinging; even worse than the other guy. I just slip past his failed attempt, get behind him, wrap my arms around his waist, lift him up and german suplex him onto the grass. Leaving him groaning on the ground.

As I look around and start to leave, I see the shocked and amazed faces of many.

'Hmm, Draig you would think by their faces that they have never seen a fight before.'

[They probably haven't, considering where we are.]

'Yeah fair enough. Anyway let's get out of here, that fight was a let down and I don't feel like dealing with any more school today.]

[*Snort* Teenagers and their hormones.] To that I give him a mental middle finger.



"Hmm, it looks like he has some experience in fighting. What do you think about this Sona?"

"I think he did exactly what he told me he was going to do Rias" Replied Sona as she started to walk away and deal with the aftermath of Logan.

"What are we going to do now, Buchou.?"

"Have Koneko keep watching Akeno."

"Of course Buchou."


BOOM Done (2131 Words)

I would like to say thanks for reading the second chapter of this fanfiction. And if you have anything you would like to say then please comment thanks.

I don't know when the third chapter will come out but I will try and get it out within the next few days.

Cheers, Kyle