Chapter 4: Start of Canon (2/2)
"Mhm, mhm. I look good." I was currently checking myself over in the mirror, making sure that everything was ok before I headed out for my date. I was wearing a black bomber jacket, with a plain white t-shirt underneath it. On my legs, I was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, topped off with a black leather Diesel belt. The shoes I was wearing were a black pair of Nike Air VaporMax Flyknit 3's, and to top it off I was wearing a nice silver Armani watch.
[You have overdone it.]
'What do you mean I've overdone it.'
[You are going on this date to gather information, not get laid.]
'Yeah, well can't I look good while gathering information.'
[*Sigh* Whatever, I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when things get interesting.]
And with that, I head to the mall to meet my date.
I look around and can't see any sign of Yumma, so I just take a seat on a nearby bench and wait. Just as I sit down I get handed a leaflet from a girl in a bat costume.
"Thank you." And she's gone weird.
I look down at the leaflet and it says, 'If you are ever in danger, we will be there to rescue you.'
"Weird." I just put it in my back pocket.
(10 or so minutes later)
"Logan It's nice to see you, I hope I didn't keep you waiting."
I Look up to see Yumma standing in front of me so I get up and Give her a quick hug. "No, no I just got here actually."
"Ok, hmm, what do you want to do first then?."
"Well you are the one who asked me on a date, so I think you should have the honour of choosing what we do first."
Her face lit up at that. "Really."
I reply with an amused smile. "Really".
Why, oh why did I have to say she could pick; I really should have seen this coming. For the next three hours we, or more like Yumma with me being dragged along, went shopping, and when I say shopping I mean shopping. We went to all kinds of stores and bought all kinds of things; thankfully just enough for it to not be a bother when I'm carrying the bags.
I check the time and see that It is 2 o'clock. "Hey, Yumma, It's already 2:00 wanna go get lunch."
"Yeah lets gooo" she drawled out while looking around for a place to eat "there, that cafe looks nice."
"Sure, I don't mind."
"What can I get for you today?"
"I'll have a bowl of tomato soup and, please, a glass of water."
"And you sir?"
"Erm, I 'm going to have a panini of cheese and ham with a side of chips and a glass of water, please."
"Is that all I can get you just now?"
"Yes please, that is all."
"Ok, your food will be ready soon."
I paid for our food; because I'm a gentleman, we went out to the arcade we saw on our way to the mall. I beat her smash bros and she beat me in Mario Kart; I also gave her a sweet bracelet that I got with the tickets I won. We had a lot of fun there.
However, all fun must come to an end.
As we were walking through the park, on the way home from the arcade, she suddenly stopped in front of a fountain.
"I sure had fun today," Yumma said with a sweet smile as she smiled at me.
"Oh, I also had a lovely time you today, Yumma," I responded as I looked at her.
She says, after a short pause. "Am I able to ask you a question? In honour of the first date we shared. There is something I would like to do for you. To commemorate this unique moment."
'Shit. Oi Draig, you thinking what I'm thinking.'
[What, that she is going to do something fallen'esk, like kill you.]
'Yeah, be ready.'
[You got it, partner.]
"Sure, what do you have In mind."
"Hm, would you die for me?"
'Yep, knew this was going to happen.'
"Um, sorry Yumma, I didn't quite catch that, could you please repeat what you said."
"I said, would you die for me."
And with that, she turns into a replica of what a Fallen Angel looks like, as Draig explained to me.
"Well, I have to admit, I did have some fun today, considering how childish you are, things could have gone a lot worse. Now time for you to die."
And with that, she formed a spear of light and shot it right through my stomach. Seeing the blood pooling out of me she walks forward while saying, "I'm sorry, but the fact is you were just far to great a risk to us. I had no choice but to dispose of you. If you are looking for someone to blame, why not blame him; he is the one who gave you a sacred gear after all."
Once she finishes talking she is standing right in front of me, "Hey, let me see your face, I wanna see your despair and agony." As she says this she reaches down to lift my chin, and that is when I strike.
BANG, was the sound that was made when I uppercut her. I sent her crashing back into the fountain, obliterating it.
"AHHH" She screams out in pain.
I stand up and there is no evidence that my stomach has just been run through by a spear of light. Seeing this she becomes greatly confused and a little fearful.
"What, how are you alive."
"Oh, this, just a little illusionary magic; no big deal."
Seeing the amused look on my face further angers her and she screams bloody murder while charging at me with a conjured light spear.
However, I dodge all of her attempts, further angering her. "Just stand still so I can murder you." She screams.
"Ok." I comply with her demand and stop all my movements. This confuses her but does not deter her; as she charges me once again. Just as the spear is about to pierce my heart I see her vicious smirk, thinking she has one. However, that smirk is soon gone from her face and replaced by a pale face and wide eyes in fear.
"H-how," she looks over to see that there is a gauntlet on the hand that is stopping her spear from killing me, "y-you k-know how t-to wield your s-sacred gear."
I reply "Yes, I do" and proceed to crush her spear, knee her in the gut and draw my hand gauntlet back while condensing some magic around it. I position my hand like a spear and aim it for her heart. However, fate is shining on Yumma today, as, as soon as I was going to strike her with my gauntlet the magic barrier around us shattered and a magic circle appeared on the ground, this distracted me long enough for Yumma to escape.
As I realize what has happened I turn towards the magic circle with anger written all over my face, ready to beat the shit out of whoever let Yumma escape. That anger, however, went away as fast as It came.
"Rias?" I ask in clear confusion.
"Logan?" She answers in the same tone of voice as me.
"What are you doing here Rias?" I asked her.
"I got an alert that said you were in danger so I came to rescue you." She answered.
"Well, I didn't need your help I had it under control until you showed up and distracted me; thank you though, for trying to help."
"Oh, no bother. Although I must say that It is quite impressive of you to win in a fight against a Fallen all on your own; especially for a human. However, I'm starting to get the feeling that there is more to you than you let on." she says while looking at the gauntlet on my left hand.
"Ah, yeah, we should probably talk about this; somewhere, you know, private."
"Of course, It's only Akeno and Koneko in the club room just now, how about we go there."
"Yeah, that is fine with me."
And with that, she creates a summoning circle around us and we teleport to the ORC.
BANG (1489 Words)
Sorry for the shorter chapter, I'm just really tired with being back at school and revising for assessments so until that is over you will have to put up with smaller chapters, sorry.
Now as always please comment your thoughts on my fanfic, any ideas you may have and what you hope will happen in the story. Oh and also add it to your library, that would be much appreciated.
Cheers, Kyle