Hide and Seek

Drew picked up the book and examined it. "Play with me." He said as he read the note aloud.

"Ah hell no!" Terry screamed. "Terry isn't dealing with this shit!" Terry started running back towards the exit, but his path was blocked by a girl dressed in white. She had long black hair that hung down to her midsection. She had her head lowered at first but raised it as Terry got closer. She had no face and Terry froze where he stood. She reappeared directly in front of Terry and grabbed him before she vanished again taking Terry with her. Sam recorded the entire event.

"Terry!" Drew shouted at the top of his lungs, followed by Sam shouting the same.

"She took him!" Sam yelled. "She took Terry!"

"Where the hell did she take him!" Drew shouted. As he did the lights flicked again and went out once more. As the lights came back a new note was written in the book, this time it looked like it was written in blood. [Hide and Seek] is all it said. "Hide and seek?!" Drew shouted. "She wrote hide and seek in the book! I guess that is the game she wants to play. Fuck!" He yelled.

Sam stopped filming for the time being. "The hell are we going to do Drew?" She yelled. "We are no closer to finding out what it is, and you made it steal Terry away by talking to it! This isn't a damn game our lives are on the line here!"

"I never expected her to take one of us!" Drew responded. "How many times on the show did we call out to the spirits with no response, I was just going through the motions."

"This shit is real Drew so don't just go through the motions!" Sam said. "Take this." She throws a headband camera to Drew to which he put on his head and turned on. "I am going back to the van; I am going to go through the tablet and see if I can find anything that matches what we are dealing with here. I will continue to monitor you on the laptop, the short range signal on that camera should reach the laptop from anywhere in the house, so I will be able to watch you no matter where you go."

"Right." Drew said.

"Listen Terry had the mini cams with him, so hopefully he is conscious somewhere and can turn them on." Sam explained. "If he is in the house, we should pick up his signal from the van. I will keep in touch via the walkie talkies, if I get a signal from him, I will let you know."

"Alright." Drew said. He stood there for a few moments and collected his thoughts as Sam exited the house and went back to the van. Drew took a deep breath and started hosting his show again. "Okay viewers, Sam and I have decided to split up to search for Terry, she will be manning the van while I search the house. I am wearing a headband camera, so you are seeing what I am seeing. Now let's go find our friend!"

Drew started walking towards the hallway in the house. He carefully took one step after the other. Now that Sam was no longer tethered to him, if he fell through the floor it would be the end of him and he knew it. He came across a closed door in the hallway and decided to open it. Slowly he reached towards the doorknob and gently turned it. The door held together this time and creaked open. He shined his flashlight into the newly opened room and discovered it was a bathroom. An old porcelain stands alone tub stood in the corner. The tub was filled with a murky liquid and Drew hoped that his friend was not trapped inside, but he knew he had to check to be sure.

Slowly Drew made his way to the tub, still careful of his steps. As he leaned over it. He tried to see into the water for any signs of his friend. Not seeing any signs, he decided to reach inside. He rolled his sleeve up to his shoulder and prepared to dip his arm into the dark water. "Don't try this at home viewers." He said trying to make himself feel better about what he was about to do. He slowly dipped his hand inside and the water was ice cold. So cold it felt like needles were stabbing his arm everywhere the water touched. The pain made it difficult to continue to lower his arm, however he continued, for his friend. Finally, he felt the bottom of the tub and sighed a sigh of relief.

"Looks like Terry isn't drowning in a tub of liquid everyone." Drew smiled.

"Drew can you hear me?!" Sam's voice could be heard over the walkies. "I am set up in the van now. Why do you have your arm in a tub of dark liquid?"

Drew clicked the talk button with his free hand. "I was seeing if Terry was trapped in the water, he isn't I am pulling my arm out now."

"Ah I see." Sam said. "It's good that you checked anyway, I still don't have a signal from any of the mini cams. Terry must be unconscious wherever he is. Or he is in too much of a panic to think straight." Sam paused for a moment. "Drew why haven't you taken your arm out yet?"

"I am trying!" He shouted in a panic. "It feels like something is holding it down there, I don't know what, it's really heavy though!" Drew struggled with all his might to pull his arm free of the waters. Slowly he made progress liberating his appendage from the depths. Finally when his hand broke the surface he could see he was being held by two small hands with greyed waterlogged skin. He continued to pull and more of the entity holding on to him was revealed. It was the faceless girl, as Drew fully pulled her out her laugh echoed throughout the room. With on motion she jerked him into the icy waters.