Incarnated in another universe

In another world in earth, there was an enormous kingdom. That kingdom's name is Annedron. Annedron kingdom was popular not because of their king, queen, prince, or their princess. However, Annedron kingdom popularity is because their soldiers, especially Harrishine Noel, The only female leader in Annedron Kingdom.

Her blonde hair, her elegance when she rides horses, and her reputation, no more debate to discuss. She also has a nice personality, making her as female model for being a leader. Her brilliant strategy when come to battle, make her enemies fall down easily.

In Jerry's tavern.

There was a blonde warrior with red cheeks, wagging hands, and smile full of seduction. Her friend doesn't understand how she became like a different person. Even though she was asked to stop drinking the carbonated liquid, she still asked for one more glass. That's right folks, the drunk person was Harrishine herself.

"Ah, let me drink one more time, Jerry. I want to celebrate my victory after defeating that neighbor!", She keeps asking Jerry, the owner of the tavern and her friend to give her more drink.

"Harrishine, you are drunk right now. Please stop asking for more drink and go home, the king will be worried about you.", Jerry begging her with dejection.

"Fine, I will go home. Thank you for the beer, Jerry.", She stood up from the table and walked round because of the effect of the beer.

On her way home, there a bunch of trainee soldiers who patrolled near the tavern and when they notice Harrishine, they give her a greeting.

"Good night, General Harrishine!"

Harrishine give them a respect greeting even though she drunk. She cannot be a drunk woman who give her trainee a weird signal. After a minute, her condition became normal and she straightforward to her home.

In her home, she jumped to the bed with a simple smile.

"I missed this bed so much."



The next day, the king called her.

"What's the problem, your highness?", Harrishine asked the king with politely face. Even though yesterday she drank, she could change her mood the very next day.

"As you know, our good neighbor Bampnailrim kingdom got a serious problem. Their kingdom was invaded by numerous evil creatures. I've told them if we send reinforcements to help them and I want you to send your army to check it out. Understand?"

"Yes, your highness.", Her killer eyes understand the king's word.

After the king command her to rescuing Bampnailrim kingdom, she instructs her fellow soldiers with strict attitude.

"Listened up! Our neighbor got a serious problem, don't ruined our reputation with your jokes. If I found out there was a slender mistake, I will not be tolerated by your action. Do you understand?"

Her fellow soldiers answered with little sweat, "Yes, sir!"

"I can't hear you, cowards! Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

Then, Harrishine and her soldiers go to the Bampnailrim kingdom. In their trip, Harrishine find a shabby little boy crying. His clothes seem had been torn apart like scratches and there were several wounds on his face. Harrishine approach that boy with skeptical.

"Hey, kid."

The boy notices Harrishine and seem afraid by her unexpected appearance.

"Don't worry, we're the good guys. What happened to you?"

The boy explained that he from Bampnailrim kingdom and he ran away after his kingdom got damaged by weird creatures. Harrishine to think that what the king said seemed risky. But she keeps sworn to go there. Then, she ordered one of her soldiers to help the little boy and left them.

However, the little boy still wanted to come with Harrishine. Harrishine can't resisted by his permission, so she decided to accompany the boy back to his kingdom.

When they arrive at Bampnailrim kingdom, the conditions became depraved with many houses destroyed. There were also cries for help, locals who had fall down, and children looking for their parents. Harrishine orders her soldiers to help the locals and attacking the remainders of the creatures still wandering there on her own.

I need to save these people!

With furious eyes, Harrishine slash her enemies one by one. The sword that was formerly sparkly clean, was now covered in filthy blood. Her armor was also disgraced with blood, but she still felt unforgiving towards these creatures. Then she checked the surrounding conditions, alert to the impending threat.

"Still cautious until this day, huh?", There was a male voice with an expected feeling towards Harrishine's attitude.

That voice!

Harrishine looked away to the main source, she aware one of her enemy.

"Zeblan, is this what you do to these people?", Harrishine ask her enemy named Zeblan.

Zeblan just answered with a gesture of ignorance, indicating that he wasn't attack the village.

"Harrishine, do you want to know what happens when a little lizard has the greatest desire?", Zeblan asked Harrishine curiously and a little smirk.

"I don't care about your question, Zeblan.", Harrishine steps closer to him.

"Ah, ah… Be careful, if you closed to me one more step, the lizard will be awakened to its final form.", Zeblan warned Harrishine with simple finger.

Harrishine stills step to him and Zeblan sigh with hopeless, then he snaps his finger, there was a little ball of spell and then hit the little lizard, turning into a fierce dragon.


Zeblan smiles, "This is the result if you don't hear what I say!"

Harrishine step back and called her soldiers to aid her. One by one, her soldier died because of the dragon attack. Now only Harrishine alone, with her bloodied sword and rotten shield, she encounters the dragon without any help.

"Poor Harrishine, where are your soldier? Oh right, died.", Zeblan crack a joke, however it didn't make Harrishine laugh.

"Oh, come on. Am I pissing you off? Even though I was comforting you, there nobody will help you."

Unintentionally, Zeblan's spell against the dragon is released so that the dragon becomes really fierce and makes Zeblan fall.

"Great, now my pawn is gone too. What should I do?", Zeblan asked Harrishine but she didn't answer.

The dragon spewed flames all over the area so Harrishine and Zeblan had to dodge the attack. A few minutes later, it was seen that there were two people who were dressed the same as Zeblan. They are Zeblan's friends.

"Ah, Deborah and Judah. You guys come to help me.", Zeblan feel happy.

"Shut up, Zeblan. Judah's spell was weak and make the dragon became fierce.", Deborah annoyed by Zeblan attitude.


The four of them took turns attacking the dragon. However, Harrishine's condition became so defenseless that when she faced Zeblan and his friends, they just waved their hands, they left her alone. Making Harrishine feel lost and the dragon spat out flames for her final fight. Harrishine could only hope she could breathe her last breath in silence.



Am I died right now?

Harrishine stand in one dark space, looked around, there was nobody.

Where am I?

But she can walk around, searching for clues about her whereabouts. Then, she looks a shining door with word 'heaven'.

Are you kidding right now? A shining door with sign of heaven as a welcome greeting?

She approached the door, opened with curiosity. All she looked right now was a white world. She didn't understand what happened to her after the dragon spat out the fire. But right now, she feels that she died alone peacefully.

However, there was a lift on the white world, it opens, and suddenly there was a white figure with faceless, white tuxedo, and white shoes.

Harrishine swiftly pulled out her sword but the white figure quickly dissipated it with a simple flick.

"What kind of sorcery is this? Who are you?", Harrishine asked the white figure.

"Who am I? Easy, I'm a God, Harrishine.", The white figure reveal itself as God.

How do they know my name?

"I know everything about you, kiddo." God sits on a chair and arranging up the paper on the table.

Harrishine remained suspicious of the figure who named themselves God. She never looked a faceless figure on her life.

"So, would you like to take a seat, please?"

Harrishine sit in front of God, still aware of their action.

"As you can see, you die because of this dragon.", God showed a panel which shown Harrishine death by the dragon.

"Yes, it is."

"But… After you saved my angel, I shall grant you one wishes."

Harrishine didn't understand, 'Their angels?'

"What do you mean 'your angel'?"

God showed Harrishine action when she saved the little boy, choosing to help him instead leaving him alone.

"See? That little boy was one of my angels disguised into your world to spread kindness. Unfortunately, his village is attack so I didn't know it until you came with your soldier.", God slide the panel to Harrishine past actions.

"That's true."

"That's why I want to grant you one wishes, what would it be?", The atmosphere change to two doors with each sign reads 'Female' and 'Male'.

"What is this?"

"I give you another chance to life but in another world."

"I can't return to my world even I live again?", Harrishine breaking out in a cold sweat, because even though she given another chance, she couldn't return to her original world.

"I'm sorry kiddo. I know this hard for you, at least I can help you.", God shook their head.

Fine, at least I can live again so I need to prepare for the obstacle that happened.

Harrishine step to one of the doors…




Ugh, my head hurts. What a weird dream, meeting a God, asking if I want to live again but I need to choose the gender. How weird is that??

Harrishine wake up, walking to a weird room that she hasn't seen before. When she looked into the mirror, she glaring at herself in the mirror while holding her chin, she feeling that her hair was different.

What happened to me????




Continued on the next chapter.