What happened to us?

After the battle against the faceless creature, Harrison still can remember what happened to him and his friends. He thought about how it could have appeared and made his friends see it. But he didn't want to make an issue about that unless someone still curious about the events.

Then, when the school ends, Harrison meets Mr. Godfrey in the teacher's room.

"Can I help you, sir?", Harrison entered the teacher's room like a normal student.

"Yeah, take a look at this.", Mr. Godfrey show something to Harrison.

Mr. Godfrey gives Harrison an ancient paper that writes itself, telling that previous problems were due to the supernatural.

"The matter for this problem is from another place in this earth."

Harrison looks at the paper, suddenly his head feels hurt.

"What happened, Harrison? Are you okay?", Mr. Godfrey approaches Harrison but he declines if he didn't fine.

"I'm alright, sir. It's just… Headache, I guess?"

"Oh, okay. If you say so…"

But it isn't a normal headache, I feel something towards that paper. Like sensing something different. Can I sense my past or not? If I can do it, I will know who's the one plotting this problem.

"Maybe I should head back to the class, thanks for having me.", Harrison leaving the teacher's room as Mr. Godfrey look at him full of sympathy.




In the class, Emmanuel and the others are waiting for Harrison.

"Where did he go?", Emmanuel wondering at the class.

"Is he gone home already?", Rosalind suggest while he playing a game on his phone.

"There's no way he has gone home already, his bag is still here.", Stanley tells the others about Harrison's bag.

Emmanuel looks at Harrison's bag, "You're right."


Harrison appears, looking pale.

"Hey, are you okay?", Emmanuel worried about him.



"He isn't okay. Let's bring him to the infirmary.", Rosalind stops playing the game and picks up Harrison.

They carried Harrison to the infirmary while passing Corey. Corey looks at them why did they leave the class even though the next lesson was about to start.

In the infirmary, Harrison falls asleep peacefully while his friend talks about the recent events.

"Hey, do you guys remember what happened before? When did everyone else disappear except for us?", Rosalind asks them first.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I still remember that. How can normal people like us see such that creature?", Emmanuel answers excitingly.

"But, do you guys realize how Harrison's reaction to the creature? Like he knows the creature.", Stanley wonder about Harrison's knowledge.

"You're right…", Rosalind realizes it too.

Emmanuel looks at Harrison, then tells the others something about himself.

"You know, his personality reminds me of one of the characters in my favorite story."

"Oh yeah?", Stanley didn't know while Rosalind didn't care.

"Yeah, the story is about a strong female warrior known for her personality, like helping each other. She has an arch-enemy called…", Suddenly he stops tell the story.

"Who is it, Emmanuel?", Stanley wants to know.

"I… I can't remember."

Emmanuel is confused about how he doesn't know the storyline even though he has the book. He stands up and leaving the infirmary.

"Hey, where are you going?", Stanley calls Emmanuel but he lost already.

"He's weird. Like how can still a teenager idolizes a female warrior that doesn't exist? He often tells us that in our free time.", Rosalind disgust Emmanuel's behavior.




A few hours later, Harrison wakes up alone in his apartment.

What happened to me?

"You awake?", One of the angels approaches Harrison.


"You fell asleep about 3 hours until God teleports you to the apartment. Seems you haunted by your past."

"What do you mean?"

"You can remember one of your memories after battling one of the creatures."


"Yeah, I won't lie to you. If you can remember, you must be battling one of the creatures."

Harrison thinking deeply, hope that tomorrow will be a better day.




Continued on the next chapter.