When the carriage arrived, if Amy could drop her jaw she would. What kind of school was in a castle? Was this some kind of private school for royal rich people? How the bloody hell did Rutledge have enough money to send her here?! She knew for a fact her mother never made this much! Must be the power of investing. A small amount of money gambled into projects to create more money. Must be great. She had no idea what happens if that venture fails though... Do you loose money in the bank if that happens? It feels illegal to just spent and gamble with other people's money like that. And to waste all that invested money in sending her here? She was positive whatever her mom had in the bank could never send her to a private school that was a castle unless the people gambling that money were really good at poker. Prehaps banks were actually illegal ventures. Better off not trusting them, she decided. Who knows what shaddy things they do with the money of others? What criminal enterprises the banks were involved in for their illegal 'investing' she had no clue. Probably drugs and weapons. That is the sort of criminal things criminals deal in. Must be, those things turn up profits. Why else would they be sold as much as they are if they didn't? Like cigars. Many bought thouse coughing sticks. Drugs were bad right? But then what of pharmaceutical ones? Are those bad to? Must be... oh dear god... The asylum is in on the banks illegal dealing by buying drugs to give to their patients and then they...was she supposed to get a bill then for all the drugs they bought with her money or did the bank cover it since the bank were the drug dealers? Do banks have tabs and how do tabs work anyways? Who deals with tabs to ensure the money goes where it should or is a tab just debt? If she ever gor better would she have to spend her life paying the bank back for all the drugs the asylum gave her or could she sue since she never agreed to take those drugs? She was gonna need a lawyer...
In the midst of Amy's internal rambling she failed to notice that she was indeed moved from where she was. Infact she was still moving, in her wheelchair. Who is pushing her? The kid named after a fruit or the one named after their hair color? She had no way of knowing especially since they were silent.
When does Amy go home? She knew she was going to school here but... when does she go home for the day? The ride didn't take that long so she was sure she could be brought home after lessons each day. That is how school worked. But from her limited vision she could see others with suitcases. Unless those were full of books (how many classes would one need to have to need a suitcase for school? Or prehaps its more of a supplies thing?) they are probably... living here. The reality was slowly starting to sink in for the mad girl. Oh... she wasn't going back to Rutledge... probably... she was gonna live here now... Probably in the back of the school with the other children deemed ill fit for society where the teacher treats all of them like tots regardless of their mental development. She knew that is what happened in her primary school when she went... right? It is hard for her to keep track of reality versus wonderland. It could be a wonderland thing. Or it could be a real world thing. Sometimes it was both or neither.
Where is that bag the doctor had packed for her? In there was the only stuff she owned. She knew that much.
"Oh... I just realized... Amy might not have a mirrorpad..." Blondie spoke.
"Huh?" Apple responded.
"Just an observation. Her back pack doesn't seem to have one in it. I am pretty sure I can feel a book in here thou-"
A clang rang out as a metal object hit the floor.
"Is that a knife?" Blondie questioned.
"Looks like our friend here is a chef. Maybe a baker,"Apple spoke as she kept walking, going infront of Amy... so that meant Blondie was pushing her.
Blondie paused. Amy could hear rustling behind her and the clattering of things. "For one meant to cook... the knife is the only thing that claims that..."
Wait hold on? Was this girl rummaging through her bag? The same bag that the asylum staff packed right infront of her the night before? That has to be illegal right? To just go through someone's things like that? The banks were not the only thing Amy would need a lawyer for apparently.
"We should get you changed. It kinda looks like your in pajamas. And you do have one pair of clothes... One pair...huh..."
Was she talking to her? Most likely...Those clothes weren't her own techically. Amy had been in Rutledge since she was 8. She was pretty sure of that. Naturally any clothes she wore to the asylum would be too small now. She had no idea if the clothes would fit.
Amy struggled to stay awake all the sudden. Maybe her body was finally catching up to her in her lack of sleep the previous night.
When she woke up she was still in her wheelchair. But from what she could see, her clothes were changed into the brown and black striped dress. An apron she wasn't sure was in the bag was on her, the belt of the apron securing both itself and the dress to Amy's form, and it seems that the key with a string through it had been looped around her neck, with the necklace she was already wearing. It wasn't the first time Amy had just blacked out without any Wonderland interference. That happens sometimes.
"The book-to-school orientation is tomorrow, though you should get your schedule tonight, in your dorm. I am guessing you had no idea you were staying here? That is based on what's in your bag, like you were staying overnight somewhere. Sad to inform you, that isn't the case. And after that-"
Amy suddenly wasn't there anymore, landing on her but from the sudden shift. She rubbed her head and realized what was going on.
"You're late," a small bunny spoke as she hopped over to a desk. Was she in a school? This looked like a class room.
"Late for what?"
"Getting here, dumb dumb."
"Bunny, I am not in the mood for this."
The bunny puffed its cheeks at Amy as Amy realized she was not alone in this classroom with the small bunny, but with several others she knew, either from her own Wonderland, or her mom's tales. Most of them were kids that were disfigured in someway, but some where inhabitants she knew.
"Today's lesson," the teacher spoke, the form it had looked human but was far longer in the limbs than it should be as it spoke in a long and shrill voice. "Amy, get off the floor and take your seat."
"I am not supposed to be here!" Amy huffed before getting up and out of the class room...
And into a pillar, snapping her out of wonderland, and now onto the floor of the school she was being wheeled in a bit ago.
Blondie ran over to Amy who should be wincing after walking face-first into a pillar that...was right there...
"Do I need to strap you down to the wheel chair, so you don't hurt yourself?" Blondie questioned outloud as she hoisted Amy back into her wheel chair.
That sounds like the stuff the orderlies would say, which couldn't say herself but she sure thought it.
"I just realized... you might not know what's going on when you... start talking? I am fine with saying it again... I am just concerned you might be a danger to yourself when... lucid... if that is the right word...Though you did manage to get dressed on your own."
Amy was confused. No she didn't... she didn't remember that...
"I am gonna restart if that is ok 'cause I lost you at some point. The book-to-school orientation is tomorrow, though you should get your schedule tonight, in your dorm. I am guessing you had no idea you were staying here? That is based on what's in your bag like you were staying overnight somewhere. Sad to inform you, that isn't the case. And after that classes start a week after, we are a bit early. And your a ______ year right? So that means you _________."
Amy paused. That wasn't right. She just didn't hear what Blondie said. Or at least bits of it.
"But that might not happen cause of events from two years ago. You see there was a conflict her known as the Destiny conflict. Raven Queen, Daughter of the Evil queen-"
Who names their kid Evil. Damn. And Amy thought Apple and Blondie were bad names.
"-didn't sign the story book of legends on Legacy Day. And there was a feud for a while about signing the book and succumbing to whatever destiny the book demands of you. However... the book WAS destroyed due to an event where destinies where being stolen or were someone made the attempt to. But even with it destroyed... with recent events, it seems like no matter how hard we try, we can not escape destiny. I mean we found out last year that chances are that Daring Charming is gonna be Rosebella's beast and I don't even know if he signed. He might have. And there has been other events that can't be coincidences at this point, so I think something happened... like the book is haunting us from beyond the grave. I mean I am a royal... in terms of the conflict, cause it is royal or rebel, and my destiny isn't bad but like... I dunno if I am gonna be thrust into a different kind of story or not now and I am not sure about breaking into a house full of bears... especially since I am now aware enough to understand that they don't like me... If that makes sense. Chances are that Principal Grimm likely got a new one made or something. I mean that thing had to come from somewhere or everyone whose on Legacy Year will sign a fake. Again."
Amy took a moment to really take in what she has been told. Destiny? Something she may or may not be forced to do. To relive the life of her mother she presumed. She was not sure she wanted that. Where does it end? With her death at whoever plays the role of her mother's murderer? Was she fated to be mad and insane? Has that already started? How does this shit even work? She is already 14, and mom began her adventures in Wonderland at 7. She is double the age. Would following destiny mean that she would turn 7 again at the start of this story? And how long would it last? Until she...
Amy lost her train of thought, the very thought unable to be thunk once it was half-formed so she mentally dropped it. Not like she could verbally drop it as she was unable to speak.
Oh well...
"I should get you to the castleteria. You must be hungry by now. You are able to eat on your own right? And then after, we will speak with Mother Goose to find out where your room is. And then after that... we'll see. Maybe we can get furniture for your side of your dorm."