as Heloice was trying to lock the bicycle, someone comes behind and spat on her back. she winced. she almost fell by dint. as she turned to see who did it?
it was Roma, her mate. she always has lot of things to say. even if you are not interested. she would kept it continue. she doesn't like interruption of anyone, while she talks to you. only Heloice could endured her. she is good listener. she hears her whole story even if, she knew she is boasting. it's her conduct. she will never give you any suggestion. actually, she boes't like argue with, both of them getting along well.
Roma was a perfect, modern and stylist girl. but she was superstition in Heloice imagination. until, her one foresee came true.
it was a result announcement day. Heloice was unperturbed. though, she knew what the result would be.
Roma comes running and paused in front of her. she was gaping. her breath was being very fast up and down. she was having difficult speak. she said in vaguely way " I....I just saw your zodiac. according to tabloid, today, your bad day will be getting up. you would be humiliated as much as you haven't experienced in your whole life. you might be meet your rival."
she shrugged." it is insane. she hasn't hated by anyone. how could she made up a foe. and most of all no one is eligible to compete with her."
after few moments, she realised, every word what she told to her was true. then and there, she started to believe in her every word. although, it's rare she would foresee good luck.
right now, she was holding zodiac page and said to her." it would be your another bad day. you will be annoyed by someone who is very close to you."
she said " I knew." she remembered what was she compelled to do by mom.
recently, she has gotten one habit. what would Roma says she will affiliated it with any incident. she believes in her foreboding with closed eye.
then, Roma said to her fervently. "my luck is not bad today. something will be happen to me. I can't imagine either in my dream." she merged in herself concern.
Heloice pouted " why it always happens to me. distinctly, I want to say I feel jealous. when you say your day would fly nice. while I get always bad luck.
Roma explained to her" it's not your fault. your zodiac is virgo. which indicates, this year, your luck would not be get going as you want. you can't control it."
every student were running in buoyant. she asked to Roma." why is it so crowd today."
she said with exciting expression" oh, I totally forgot. today's match would be between us and senior. it should be interesting. because, they are champion. they have never been taste of defeat. if by any chance, we win, then our status would be very high. and if we lose."
she was trying to compose her world" then nothing would be change. we have nothing to lose either. anyway, no one could survived in front of them."
"if we have to defeat by them. then, why, they are going? I mean no body would like to see being loser." Heloice determined.
" I know, but the main reason is that in our junior team Vickie is participating. he has been a member of state junior level champion. he is perfect in everything. we could rely on him."
" hey, stop, praising him.which side are you? how could you say it in front of me." she said to her annoyingly.
" come on, you are so slow. we will definitely would be late." Heloice was getting drag by her towards the crowd direction. she resisted to not go there.but Roma didn't want to listen any excuse of her.
when they entered stadium. it was already full by spectators. there was no seat left to sit anywhere. so, they decided to stand in one corner. team admirer was supporting own team.they were shouting surprisingly happy. it was second halves. only last fifteen minutes left.they scored more goal than junior team.obviously , her team was going to lose badly. they were in tense. but, it's nothing matter for Ruby.
she was being enthralled by Vickie's charm. she said "look, he is so dashing, isn't he. his muscular is glistening with sweat. and look at his hair...'s flattering like a model. he is so cool.
she said in confused expression "may be."
"hey, how can you say that 'may be.' look at him clearly with open eyes."
Vickie glanced at spectator's side.and paused at her. he gave one smile. and waved hand towards her. inadvertently, he stroked in hair with hand of his.
he started playing more vivaciously. unexpectedly, he dodged one opponent successfully. cause of his goal, his team scored equal after chasing them. he emerged a game changer. at a time, he gives an smokey kiss towards her with smile. everyone starts shouting more loudly. she said " it is very obnoxious."
opponent team was being distracted. they neither want to lose at any cost. now, his only one motive, to maintain his dominance. they done every short of thing which they could for victory. but it couldn't help. even they got an yellow card. they lost in last second.
Roma couldn't believe in eyes of herself. she shouted cuddling with her " we won. we won.."
Heloice said " I knew it would be happened like that. after all he enjoys to erode one's sovereignty.and"
she added " I understand how they would feel right now."
"hey guys, look, he is coming over toward this side" one keen girl's sound get in her mind. she turns to look at him. who would be?"
it was Vickie. he comes and said to make curve leaps "don't you want to congratulate me?"
she said nothing. she was totally confused what to say. of course, she would have to do.
even if he is her rival. but because of him, their team won this match.