
the mobile phone was buzzing for a long time. it was putting alongside of the edge of bed. first of all, she ignored it. later, when it had become unbearable. then, she picks up the phone. she looks with blurred eye on the screen of phone to receive the call and asked. " what the heck calling me in this morning for, mom? "

one shrill voice comes on her head. she feels irritable by this sound. she bellows at her from the another side of call. " you unfilial child, you are still sleeping. "

she opens her eyes quickly and looks at time. it was already nine O' clock. she was oblivious of it. cos she slept at late night. she roused and said " no mom, I was not sleeping. I will call you for a while."

she didn't want to hear her nag. so, she hung up the phone swiftly. previously, she used to wake up in the early morning. it doesn't mean, she wanted to do so. in her home, it was the axiom that no one could sleep late morning. it is bad for health.

she looks beside her. Mason was not there. he already wake up. she stretched her hand and said. " certainly, little kid, you are not lazy like me."

she gets up to her bed and opens window to see out. she could see the far flung garden. it was filled with different flowers and fruit tree exquisitely. she strode towards bathroom to take bath. after that, she walked out to her room.

she had already been familiar to this mansion. so, she wouldn't have to do work hard to search the way. but she had no intention to go hall. she turned to another way. and looking around herself. she comes in front of one chamber. it was slightly opened. she takes a glance. there, Justin was getting ready. he was tying his tie. and his mom, she was sitting on the chair and asking something to him. Lisa paused. but, she doesn't able to listen of there conversation clearly. but, she could see. that her face was very somber.

in her head, one very thin and whispered voice entered. " Globe, we must not eavesdropping of anyone. it's a bad habit." it was most likely a threat.

she hushed him to listen carefully. although, she could only able to hear vague sound. it was far away to understand any sentence. as well as, Mason also fixed his ear on the door.

unfortunately, he couldn't have balanced his body. and he stumbled on the sill. and his face was right now downward side of the floor.

as he falls against his tummy. his granny stood up to her place to see what happened. they spun along towards them. his granny sighed to see him. he leapt onto his feet with the support of hand quickly. and gave explanation. " dad, I didn't do anything. it was Globe, who is ....." he turned back to see. he didn't find anyone.

Lisa already slipped away from there.

then, he turned back and gave an stupidly smile. and tried to defend herself. he explained. " granny, I didn't find you anywhere. so, I was just coming to meet you to ask something."

Justin strode towards him. he closed his eyes tightly . he didn't know. what would happen to him on the next second. slowly, he squinted his eye and saw. his dad walked ahead of him towards door. and looks back and forth of himself. he didn't find anyone.

Lisa was diving just behind the flower pot. she cuts her lips to not utter any word. she was clamping her mouth. her heart was dithering immensely high rate. this time, she had only one wish. at any rate, he couldn't find her.

at the back of him, Mason snapped. " dad, I wanted to ask granny that. I want to see my mom."

he turned back and comes very close of him. he crouched on his knee. and asked. " are you sure you want to go there?"

he said continue strictly to him to ordeal him. " you have to spend all day there. "

he thought for a while, then he takes decision. he met his eye on his dad eye and determined. " yep."

Justin smiled a little bit. and said. " looks like, you have grown up. come, I will escort you there. but, you have to get ready at once."

he said. " okay, I am just coming. you have to wait for me."

Lisa sighed after hearing him. she had fear if he will tell him about her.

then, she darted back towards corridor and she almost ran into over one tea trolley. it was being taken by one maid. she asked. " ma'am, are you alright?"