A/N: New Character Info

Name: Elijah Skeleton

The son of Sans the Skeleton and Chara Deemurr, also the younger brother of Viviana Skeleton



It's kinda explanatory. He can make glowing blue knives appear from his hand that he can use for combat and defense.

Pros: if he uses his knives and cuts himself like self harm or cooking something with his cousin Oliver, he doesn't feel the pain but does get the scars from it. But the scars are barely noticeable.

Cons: if he's ever fighting someone and he makes a scar that's very deep, he'll feel the pain. Using the knives too much makes his wrists hurt from either holding the knife or flicking it.

Ink Eyes

So like Chara in Undertale. When he uses the ink eyes, he's able to control people into doing either bad or good deeds. His eyes would be a bright blue instead of red. The most number of people he can control is 3.

Pros: He can still see clearly even though it looks like he's being taken over by an ink monster. When controlling someone, he can do whatever he wants with that person. It's like him taking over the persons body for a while.

Cons: Ink eyes are mostly used with his eyes, so he usually would see blurry stuff once it's past the limit. He can't see for an hour or two depending on how long he used Ink eyes for.


It's like Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. Demon is a shadowy figure who can appear behind him at anytime. When using Demon, it gives him more strength and stamina in a fight if he ever is in one. How the demon works is by his emotions.

Pros: Demon is like a friend and overprotective brother to Elijah. He's very kind to the people around him and Eli's friends. When Elijah is getting bullied, he would come out and give him confidence.

Cons: Like it says in the picture, he grows a short temper when he's older but for now his Demon is controlled by his emotions. When he's mad and/or frustrated, his demon sometimes thinks he's giving into the dark side of everything and everyone. Which leads to the demon controlling him and his body.

(A/N:that was the best I can do for explaining Elijah I'll be posting the next chapter soon because I had gotten a really good idea for the next part. The idea came from fxbling_bstone on Wattpad and I'd really appreciate you all checking her stories out. She's an amazing writer and artist who really deserves lots of credit)