Report again (2)

Elizebeth blinked at the apparent leader of the village that moaned in pain every single time. Turned out his injury wasn't normal at all. Her mind was short-circuited to see the massive injury around his body. 

"Well damn," it slipped out her mouth accidentally. 

It freaked Eve out. She looked overly concerned over the leader of the vampire. 

"Is that terrible?" Dante came closer, hesitantly to do so but he needed to inspect the injury still. He was no doctor but he knew one or two things about the burn. 

Was one of the reasons Elizebeth brought him over. 

Dante crouched down and stared at the high degree burn vampire, whimpering inside his dream, in dumb confusion. From many experiences and the expert of the burn, he for sure one thing. The burn color was blue instead of the usual hot pink-red.