Unexpected Occurrence (1)

She was wearing combat attire without a weapon. Strode exhaustedly with her stoic face towards the awaiting Anggerik and Samutera that wasting their time watching the ocean.

Emily proudly walked behind her as if she was her walking exhibition item. Her eyes glinted with pride as she huffed her chest happily.

Elizebeth's body might have marched towards Anggerik and Samutera yet her soul was already wandering around at the other dimension. Her eyes were unfocused; she was already exhausted from the scorching sun. 

"Should I really do this?" 

"Yes, My Lord." Emily's voice was non-compromised. Elizebeth was forced to yield to that angelic glowing face. As much as she has the highest status, Emily's value was par to her status. She couldn't go against her. 

"Alright," she sulked.