Tanah Kedaulatan (2)

"Ughh," she gritted her teeth. "I shan't succumb to the temptation."

"Don't do it." Fariz who was in a crow form that was quite near to her shook his head.

"One shall know to not infuriate a lady in her deep slumber." She released a sizable dominion to her palm. It was dark and strong, closed to dragon magic as she used Fariz's power that resided inside her. 

"Oh la la. A lady in her deep slumber indeed." Eve in her bird form chirped excitedly at her side. "When was the last time our lady lord had such deserving sleep, brother? Heaven knows better to never hamper her snooze." 

Fariz rolled his eyes, "you are not quite helpful, little sister." 

"Thank you." 

Fariz looked offended by the off-handed answer of Eve. "It was not meant for a compliment. What would they say about us shall they know us?" 

"I shall be able to keep a secret no longer." Elizebeth snickered, jumped at the highest place of the ship.