The intruder (2)

"Is not really a big matter you are making out to be." Callisto tried to shrug off the matter on the table as if it meant nothing.

"We are powerful. We can fix this." Duke Brice agreed with the king.

"Ye- yes." All the brothers weren't all convincing, however.

Elizebeth pulled her hair out as she sat on the couch inside her room with her bloodshot eyes. Her ears listened to nothing, her eyes saw white and her brain was pure blank.

After one to another to another matter. Her brain could not proceed with the sudden pressure she was prepared for since she was five.

Maybe due to her dream or maybe she was on edge. She could not think straight and far from Olivia Spencer's personality. 

"What happens to me? What is going on with me? Am I this stupid? Am I this troublesome?" She tried to pull out her hair again. "... I'm too weak now. I'm too weak. She's gonna hate me. She's gonna hate me. No. No..."
