Need to save mother (2)

"Red. They're gonna kill my mother and eat her as a whole. Bohoooo!" Her face was decorated with a heavy flow of tears and also a river of snot. Both of her hands wrapped around Red's legs.

They landed at the coordinates she gave Anggerik days ago. The place where the rest of her family gathered around. Her own room.

"The future it's getting closer. I can't help my mother. I want to help my mother. Red, what should I do?" She rubbed her cheeks on her pants.

Red blinked down at the messy face. The covered face just shut her eyes rather than comforted her. She knew better than to pamper Elizebeth into such a pathetic state.

"What should I do, Red?" She wailed out loud like a petulant kid. Shook the legs, asking for the backup plan.

"Oh my, what a mortifying sight." Pink couldn't believe her own eyes. "She'd become immature."

"Let the kid be the kid," Blue said in yawning and stretched his body.