Unicorn, weee~~ (6)

"Now you are good as new. Congratulations." Eve clapped her hands proudly amidst the labored breath after the hard work.

"Drink some water, sis."

Eve extended her hand to grab the water that Elizebeth spoke of without looking. Yet after a few moments, nothing was given. She looked at Elizebeth that looked at her as if she was crazy and asked with her eyes.

Elizebeth just pointed at the river not far from them.

"You mean river water?" Eve's lips were too light to shoot some curse words in her face.

"Where do you think I drink freshwater, sis?" Elizebeth furrowed her brows.

"Thank you for your consideration, sis." Eve's hand had an urge to hit the irritated face. She may appear indifferent to others but she surely had various dirty looks under her belt when they were alone.

Fariz chuckled sideways. Their banter never ceased to amaze him. They both acted like spoiled children. Equally.