Play start act 1 (6)

"Baron Almond seems to have an opinion regarding the topic that we are discussing," Baron Khan raised his champagne to Dante that constantly twitched his face whenever they were talking about a diamond mine.

Five noblemen excluding Indulf that were free to go in pretext performing his master's order gathered around. As a social butterfly like Indulf, he successfully blended in with the butler community.

Anyway, those five nobles were Duke Tita, Duke Bart, Dante himself, Baron Khan, and Count Jay grouped at the corner while talking about their mine business.

Duke Tita and Duke Bart massive scale mineral, diamond, and jade mine. Baron Almond had a diamond mine himself. He wasn't supposed to help the enemy like this but his clever part couldn't let it slide.

The nobles fixated on making a diamond accessory even when diamond could use a lot of other things aside for an accessory.