Well hello there (3)

"Your highness. You are in the presence of the Shariz delegations and also your savior. Pardon us for being so cocky but we deserve better treatment than this. I refuse to help you if I don't get my right." Elizebeth arrogantly put the king in his own place.

"Savior. What an interesting choice of words." Bellamy sent her a sharp look.

Logan speechless and gave up entirely. Elizebeth's bluntness had a point. They shouldn't get such treatment after what a human race had been through under the merfolks reign.

"Poor treatment, a disgraceful attitude, haughty personality." She stared lazily at them. Nothing she liked. "I'm out of here. The only thing I'm here for is you are a danger to my brothers. I will forcefully remove you if I must."

Logan massaged his head while Dante laughed it all, inwardly.