We have the heir (9)

Callisto and Haley were quite confused as they saw the massive stage in a square shape complete with a magic border in every corner was prepared almost immediately under the command of Siti, Kekwa, and Owen.

At first, the knights were quite reluctant to listen, but the willingness of the king and the queen to obey the young girl put them into work abruptly.

In their eyes, Kekwa had already become part of the royal family. Her status was the same as Evergreen's. The unofficial daughter.

"This is spectacular." Kekwa jumped happily at one place as the knights gave the final touch.

The stage completion took only two hours at max. A few royal magicians were giving the final touch related to safety or something.

"Shall we spice this up?" Owen looked around suspiciously before leaning in near Kekwa.

Siti leaned in as well, unwillingly so. Although her face showed she was interested in the idea.