Smiley Elizebeth (10)

While the pegasus flew in the dark sky, she shed actual tears. She craned Kyle's neck and caressed his head.

"Kiki! Kiki!" She called.

Kyle stayed silent, breathing heavily.

"Kiki…" She hoisted her lips and plastered them long on his hot forehead.

Fariz silently hugged her waist. He wouldn't dare to interfere with the sweet brother-sister moment. Between Fariz and Kyle, Elizebeth valued Kyle more. So, to spare his own feelings, he blinded his own eyes for his own sake.

"To the border!"

The pegasus listened to the request and followed.

Fariz huffed. He was hella tired to accommodate her request, but as an understanding boyfriend, he listened to the request obediently.

"Protect my brother." She turned around.

They were approaching the battlefield at supersonic speed.

Fariz just bobbed his head once. The anger of the lady was too clear for him to act blind. Like it or not, he had to let her go.