Moving forward (4)

Eve tilted her head, her feather ripened. "Why? You don't have the confidence to do so?" Her usual happy voice changed drastically and became eerie.

Tita swallowed his saliva, his Adam's Apple bobbed nervously. His body became rigid as his body straight like an arrow.

"The princess companions are not weak. I deem you to be reliable."

Elizebeth bit her lips to cover up from laughing. Janet and Tita were funny, they didn't know how to handle Fariz and Eve and became so pale.

"You guys are fun." She commented in amusement.

Janet soon realized something. While conversing with the princess, her mask had slipped off and she became so comfortable in front of them. What she saw was Elizebeth in her natural state.

All her interaction was raw. It was also quite nonsense but it's just the princess being herself.