Hello to you too (2)

At the corner of the room, standing a lanky man with a head bowed down. His messy wavy black hair, oval facial features, high bridge nose, thin lips, and long limbs. He had a little meat but a sturdy muscle all over.

He was perfect. Just the way she liked it minus the geek spectacle on her bridge nose.

"You are a geek." She pointed out the obvious.

"... yes, I am." Fariz delayed his answer, unsure of how to appear nonchalant. "You look beautiful."

"Yes…" Elizebeth was startled by his boldness. She stared at the stranger who already swiveled his head away from her with a tomato color painted on her whole face. "Thank you." She had the same shade now.

"Good grief." Shadow who was witnessing everything at the first seat rolled her eyes. "Take your seat." She smacked Elizebeth for no reason as she strode to her own seat.

"Ah… yes, My Excellency." Elizebeth snapped from her daydream and quickly took her seat next to Fariz.