I have returned (4)

"... brother…" 

Fariz's eyeballs moved slowly underneath his eyelids.

"... ther…"

Fariz heard the call for the second time.

"... brother… bro…"

The calm (?) voice sounded so distant yet closer. He had a hard time focusing on that voice. He was inclined to accept his struggle and let the flow bring him to a place it wanted him to be.

"Brother… brother… brother…"

However, the now frantic voice persistently begged him to focus on its presence. His tired body wanted to disobey but his fresh mind decided otherwise. And now, he was torn between following and ignoring.

His instinct asked him to follow while his body was against the idea.

"... brother… brother…"

Unknowing what had happened around him, his eyeballs moved yet again underneath the eyelids. It led to another series of frantic calls.

"Brother… brother… brother. Brother! BROTHER!"