Let’s wreak havoc (2)

"Really?" Anggerik was quite shocked to hear a defeated voice.

"Yeah, let's focus on our own task." She shut her eyes, massaging her nose bridge. "I don't think I can hold my resolve if I meet them."

Anggerik hummed, low. "If that's what you fancy." She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sudden belly rub by her owner.

"Yeah, I'll focus on the task at hand."


"Cool." Elizebeth nodded, the sharp demeanor started to become dense. "Listen up."

The people focused on her once again.

"Jihoon and Tanaka had assigned the task to you, correct?"

The people nodded in response. 

"So now, please divide into teams that you guys have been assigned." Elizebeth looked around and only then did she realize something as the people lined up according to their squad leader.

The squad was supposed to be divided into five groups.

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Charlie, and Delta.