Trap (4)

Splaaaaaaaaaash~ Splaaaaaaaaassshhhh~


The battleships had swayed left to right, one of them nearly tilted to the other side. 


The water was rocking violently, affecting the ships and the passengers tremendously. 


The sudden strong gust pushed the ships to the opposite side. Thankfully, a few water stans helped to maintain the ships from under it. However, it appeared to be the stupidest idea they'd ever had.


Below, the opposed merfolks collided with the merfolks led by King Ethan. 

"Focus on moving our ships to the shore. We'll protect you." One of the merfolks screamed at the stans holding the ships.

The water stans that consisted of the pink dolphins and massive snakes nodded their heads and carried the ships safely. They needed to carefully maneuver if they wanted to pass through the defense of the water serpent and Dante.