We are the main character (7)

"We can't do anything about it, don't we?" Elizebeth adjusted the mask on her face. "Whatever it is, we must win this battle. Even if it means that my life will forfeit here."

She didn't mean it. She would make sure she won the battle. If by chance that she ever failed in her mission, she wouldn't emerge from the novel until she fixed her shortcoming or she would live miserably due to Wild Bunny's wild joke.

But Eve and Fariz frowned. 

"We will win this battle."

"We will win this battle."

Elizebeth nodded in determination. "Yes, we will win this battle."

With a single nod, Eve soon flew away with her beautiful canary body.

According to the agreement, Eve would reveal herself when she had no choice but to do so. Right now, the situation wasn't called for just yet.
