Tender Soul 2

"No vital wound detected! Are you satisfied?", said Mera on Nhazul as he saw the laid down person that they had defeated.

"Thank you for your good work... Now, can I back to take the full control of my body, please?", replied Nhazul as he asked to get his body back from Mera.

"Aghh!! Alright! Alright!!", as he said that Mera gave back the control of that body to Nhazul.

And together with that words, the red sparks that surrounded Nhazul got faded. So did with his spiked hair turned to normal as it used to. Then, his red shining left eye returned to be normal eye as he closed that eye and opened his eyes afterwards. By that times, Nhazul gained his body back. Because of their different level of pressure and also Nhazul current state, he almost fell on the ground. He felt weak after that, his energy had been used to that thing.

And after a moment, suddenly Rebecca and Ghoza came nearby.

"Hei, are you alright?", Rebecca quickly threw a question to Nhazul as she really worry about his condition.

" Yes, I am, thank you.." replied Nhazul as he put away the claw blades and the belt to the bags.

"That's special belt! Repelling the anti moren radioactive, right?!", asked Ghoza to Nhazul.

" Oh, I really do not know the details but, it is needed to send them back to their world..", replied Nhazul.

" Oh, right! Hei! How ya know to do that thing?!", Ghoza gave another question to Nhazul but this time Rebecca cut the conversation.

"Stop with your questions! We'll talk it later! First you call medic for that person!", said Rebecca to Ghoza.

" And then we should find place for you to take a rest!", added her to Nhazul.

After that, they found some bench in that park to give Nhazul resting time. But of course, that time couldn't want to be wasted by Ghoza. He couldn't wait to get the answers of all his curiosities. As they started to sit on there, Ghoza immediately asked for the question.

"Hei! How can ya control that soulid in ya?!", asked Ghoza to Nhazul who tried to lean back on that bench.

"You really can't wait, can you?! At least, wait until he get better!", responded Rebecca to Ghoza.

" Ahaha... It is fine, I am alright actually..", said Nhazul with his little laugh.

" Are you sure?", asked Rebecca to Nhazul.

" Yes I do..", replied Nhazul to her.

"Well, if you say so... I actually still curious about that too. I mean about how you can control those soulids on you..", said Rebecca.

" Ya do! But ya said ya had known him have that power, why didn't ya ask him in the first time?!", now Ghoza even gave question to Rebecca.

"I did, but..", Rebecca tried to explain herself but Nhazul started to speak.

"I am really sorry for that, but I actually cannot understand it either. So, I am sorry I still cannot explain that to you..", responded Nhazul.

" Oh! Wait a sec..! Didn't ya say, those soulids in him earlier?!", suddenly Ghoza realized something on Rebecca's words earlier.

"Oh!", responded Rebecca.

"Do ya mean there are some soulids in him beside of that one?!", asked Ghoza in very curious face.

" Ah! Emm... I saw him being different person when they possessed him, but I don't really know how much soulids in him..", explained Rebecca to Ghoza.

" Oh, you meant Mera and Utahara, they helped you back then when you in Karaja village, did not they?", said Nhazul.

" Eh!? I don't really know that, I mean, I don't know their name exactly. Are they even have name?", asked Rebecca to Nhazul.

" Of course they do... As you have seen minutes ago, he is Mera, well, his name is actually Merhexzor Arc Diablo, and the other one is-..", Nhazul seemed begun to explain but Ghoza cut his words with his curiousness.

"Wow! Wow! Wait! Wait a sec! How can ya even know their names?! Are ya communicating with them?", said Ghoza.

" Yes, I am..", replied Nhazul.

"But they still possess ya, right?!", continued Ghoza.

" Yes, they do..", Nhazul replied him again.

" But, but how can ya do that?! Ya are being possessed by them and yet ya are still communicating with them. They seem even followed your order, right?! How can ya do that?!", Ghoza was asking Nhazul with his curiousness yet he was so confused and so excited.

"Like I said, I do not understand myself either, but to fix the words you use before, I do not give them order, I ask for their help instead..", explained Nhazul to make a clearance.

"Oukey..?!? So, ya ask them to help you then... That's make me even puzzled..", responded Ghoza.

"But they aren't harm you, are they?", Rebecca followed to give another question.

"Ah, yes, they are not giving me threat this far, but their personalities sometimes go overreacting, but also, they always help me in some ways... Haha..", Nhazul spoke and laughed.

" I don't know if that's the thing for laugh at all, but it's good that they are not threat to you..", said Rebecca.

" Ahaha... You have ever said that too when we firstly met back then..", responded Nhazul.

" Ahaha... I see..", Rebecca also laughed.

" Now that ya mention, how ya two can be met again?!", asked Ghoza to give his past unanswered question to them.

"Oh, we-..", Nhazul was going to tell how he and Rebecca met but, Rebecca interrupted.

"Let me do this, Nhaz! Well, when I went to Karaja village for vacation, I was being attack by some people who had possessed by soulids, and then Nhazul came and save me, and then everything went to be like this time, that's it! That's all! You get it, right?! No more questions then! Thank you..", said Rebecca to Ghoza.

"...!!? I want better story from him, then..", responded Ghoza.

" Em-..", Nhazul tried to say something but Rebecca stopped him again.

"No! I've told you everything! You need no more!", said Rebecca to Ghoza.

" But-..", Ghoza wanted to say something but again, Rebecca cut it out with her words.

"I said no more! That's all!", said Rebecca.

" I think there are some parts that-..", again Nhazul tried to suggest something to Rebecca but she didn't let him said anything.

"It's okay, Nhaz! He had enough to know... So, just be quiet, okay?", said Rebecca to Nhazul, her face was starting to be red.

"Oh, okay then..", replied Nhazul.

"Right, then, the others things are probably some stupid things ya did, like doing weird things or something else like ya used to do in past..", said Ghoza.

" I said enough!!", Rebecca got mad.

In some other time and other place, at countryside of Delima city, the priestess from the holy temple had encountered with the soulid that she had pursued again. In her state that was not fully recovered yet by the wounds of their last battles, she kept pointing her sword toward that soulid. That soulid didn't do anything but watching at her bad states. Then without gave any reaction to her, that soulid turned himself away and walked out to leave her, ignored her.

"Stop right there!!", she barely ran toward that soulid to swing her sword.

That soulid did evasion by jumping forward and avoided that sword attack. And for her, just after she swung that sword she fell on the ground. She couldn't hold long cause how hard that she did when she stood up on her current condition. Seeing her laid on the ground suffering on her wounds, that soulid continued his walked and ignored her, then tried to leave her behind, but she didn't let him be.

"Wait!! I... Told you to stop!", she shouted at that soulid, that make him stopped and looked at her.

"You can make your soul calm inside your body, but you don't heal any of your wounds... Stay down! I don't have business with you anymore!", said that soulid as he saw her did something by putting her shining hand on her chest, and then continued his walk and left her there.

"Give... Him... Back!... Damnit, agh..", said her in her hard breathes, then she went unconscious.

After several times she got unconscious, she finally woke up. She used her power to make herself to regenerate her energy. After that, she moved again to chase that soulid onemore time. But then, she remembered the thing, she couldn't do anything on her current state. With her energy left, she went to local medic to recover herself. She was going to prepared to make the final score with that soulid.

Two days passed, she had got better. In her determined mind, she casted out to search that soulid again to settled the thing. On her way of her search, she sensed there was another soulid nearby, but she couldn't sensed it well because she was really focus to track the soulid she had to pursue. She suddenly thought to eleminate that soulid first, before she continued on her pursuit. She saw a park there. She had ever been told that the park was one of place that negative souls came out. That was because some people came to the park to refresh their mind and mood, the other words, they exchanged the negative vibes from them to get positive vibes. Then the ngetive things from them spread all around that place. Accumulated from the people who came there. And made the bad situation to them who was in negative condition, made them the best target for the corrupt soul to take over. So then, she went there.

On her way, she met Nhazul who sat alone on the bench of that park. She tried to aware him of the soulid.

"Hei, you! I'm sorry if it bother you, but you should get out from here... Something bad is nearby..", said that priestess to Nhazul to ask him to get out from there.

"Oh, but I am waiting for my friends to come here... I cannot leave for now, until they come here..", replied Nhazul.

" I see... So you promise to meet them here, huh?! But this is bad! The bad soul is around here, and it will be dangerous to stay here!", responded that priestess to Nhazul's words, she referred the bad soul as the soulid.

"Bad soul? I see, but I will take care of it for myself, so, do not worry about me... And how about you? Are you trying to make yourself in danger by that?", replied Nhazul.

" Oh! Me?! As you can see, I am a priestess from Great Lion Holy Temple, so this is just a part of my job to neutralize some bad souls..", she showed her emblem of her temple and her sword beside of her clothing to Nhazul.

"Okay, but, you seem in bad condition, are you sure you can handle that thing?", Nhazul asked again as he also saw some bandages in some parts of hers.

"Oh! Here! It's okay! More importantly! You better go now! Before it's too late... I can't guarantee your safety, you know!", she answered his question with her opinion.

" Like I said, I am fine, do not worry about me, you better more worry about yourself, you are not healed from your wounds, are you?", said Nhazul to her again.

" You're so stubborn, aren't you?! Whatever then..", responded that priestess to Nhazul, she seemed starting to get irritated by him.

"Oh, I am sorry for the inconvenient, I just think that you should be more worry about yourself first before you start to worry about the other..", explained Nhazul.

" Okay, I get it!... Eh! Wait!", suddenly she stared at Nhazul.

" What is it?", Nhazul seemed confused.

"I sense bad soul in you!", that was what she said as she pointed her right hand especially index and middle fingers to Nhazul, and those began to shining.

"Huh?!", Nhazul surprised by that.

"Don't worry! I've made it paralyzed! Now! You better go to the my temple in the forest of Suaka. There will be some of my masters that will make it out from you! Hurry up! You better go there now! Before my paralyzer spell worn out!", said that priestess to Nhazul.

" Eh!?", Nhazul was still in surprised by that spell.

" I'm sorry, I have got something to do, so, I can't accompany you there. When you there, just tell them, Liem recommend you that place to make the bad soul come out from you!", said that priestess to Nhazul.

" So, your name is Liem?", asked Nhazul.

" Oh! Yes, you can call me that..", said that priestess, Liem, to Nhazul.

"Ah, but..", Nhazul seemed like to tell something but suddenly bursting of black aura wave passed them.

"Ah! This aura!", Liem noticed that and immediately ran to the direction of that bursting.

"Breaking soul..", said Nhazul.

Then there was someone who tried to talk inside Nhazul's mind.

"It's breaking soul level three, if I could recall..", it said.

" Eh, Utahara? I think you are paralyzed cause of that spell..", Nhazul talked to Utahara, one of soulid in his body.

"Oh, please... Don't put me on the same boat with those fools..", responded Utahara.

" Hehe..", Nhazul laughed a little cause of that words.

"Then, what will you do? I don't think, you will let that little lady handle that creep alone, don't you?", said Utahara.

" Will you help?", asked Nhazul to Utahara.

" If you insist, it can't be helped then, I will do it!", answered Utahara.

"Thank you, I leave the rest to you then..", said Nhazul.

As Nhazul said that, a blue aura was bursting out from him. His hair was growing longer as he covered it with his hoody jacket. He closed his eyes, then opened his right eye, it was shining blue. That time, Utahara had taken control of Nhazul's body.

Meanwhile at the place where Liem had encountered the breaking soul soulid, her attacks didn't affect to hard skin of monster parts of that soulid, that soulid had turned all upper body of that person in to monster forms.

"This can't be..", Liem was upsetting to know her attacks couldn't even gave that soulid a scratch.

"I don't have business with you, but you're annoying! I will eleminate you!", that soulid started to fight back with sharp edges on his arms.

Liem defended herself with her sword, but the strength of that soulid overrated for her weak state. That attack bounced her back to hit the tree with an impact. That made her wounds from last time got even worse that time. She fell on the ground. She couldn't even stood up again.

"Hemm... You wanna help this person? Trying to be hero in that weak body? What a laugh! Well, time to meet your creator!", that soulid walked closer to Liem.

Liem was still trying to get up again but she felt hurt all over her body that made her fell again and again. That soulid had been closer to her as he would execute her. But then suddenly, Nhazul, in this time, Utahara, walked closer to them with some words for that soulid.

"You have a really good time there, haven't you? Look at that little lady, she couldn't do anything, what will you do with her? You don't plan to try for making your heredity, do you?!", said Utahara.

That soulid stopped by that words, he turned his view on Utahara this time.

"Huh?! What you want?!", that soulid asked Utahara.

And Liem, she got surprised to see Nhazul had possessed with the soulid, even she had sealed the soulid inside his body, that was how she had thought. She started to feel regretful that she actually just an apprentice, but she tried to deal with something that over her capabilities. And now she had to face two soulids in one time. She could sensed the big pressure from those soulid before her own eyes that she knew these two soulids were so strong. She seemed like to lose her hope to live that time.

"Let me in with your little party there!",  that was a reply from Utahara to that soulid.

Those words made Nhazul even shocked. He tried to say something to Utahara in his mind.

"What are you saying? You say you will help me for her?", said Nhazul.

"Just quiet and be good little boy there!", replied Utahara on Nhazul.

Nhazul began to feel uneasy, he thought he would take control of his body back from Utahara, but then, somehow he knew Utahara wouldn't do something like that, so, he waited a little bit longer to see what she would do.

"Huh?! What do you mean by that?", that soulid responded to Utahara words.

"Refisher, right?", asked Utahara, she was about to confirm that soulid name.

"You know me?", that soulid, Refisher, replied.

" I know a lot of things! But you see! I think I have got myself bad luck to stuck in this body..", said Utahara to Refisher.

" And who are you?", Refisher asked.

"You can call me Maerlain!", answered Utahara.

" So, you're female? And you had stuck in that male human body? I see... So you wanna take her body instead?", said Refisher to confirm his opinions.

"What do you think? I will grant you one wish if you insist!", responded Utahara to Refisher.

Meanwhile in his mind, Nhazul was starting to feel bad about it. He kept saying like, "What are you saying?", all of the times to Utahara, but he had been ignored by her completely.

"I plan on killing her just now but I don't mind if you want her! As you can see! She is so weak, you see!", replied Refisher to Utahara.

" It's okay! I'm strong, you know! Wanna try my strength?", as Utahara was talking, they two had got closer to each other.

"Huh?!", responded from Refisher.

As the time they got closer, Utahara kicked Refisher on his stomach with such power. That pushed him back for some distance.

"What is that for?! You wanna fight?!", responded Refisher to Utahara after he got kicked.

"What?! Is that kick deal so much in your hard skin? I tell you that I will show you my strength, won't I?", said Utahara as she picked the sword, Liem sword, that laid on the ground.

Liem who saw this couldn't said anything, she even could do nothing. She was so weak because of her wounds, and yet she rather surprised with what she saw in front of her eyes.

"Hei, this sword won't give you scratch, right? Can I try?", continued Utahara to asked Refisher about the hard skin of him.

"What are you trying to play this time?", said Refisher.

Just after Refisher said that words, Utahara moved forward, and swung the sword onto those hard skin in his chest. That was not making any scratches in it, but her strength made him pushed backward.

"What the..!!?!", Refisher started to feel irritated.

" Whoaa!! That's right! No scratches! Even with my power of strength!", said Utahara, those words sounded like amazed by that powerful skin and kinda teasing.

" You're annoying too! No more play! Let's fight then!", Refisher got mad this time.

" Oh! But that's not my real power, you see! I'll show you a little bit!", Utahara ignored Refisher's words and put on the special belt on the waist.

That belt sounded with voice, "EINSCHALTEN!", as it meant that belt had turned on. She also took out something from Nhazul's pocket. The thing like stone with kind of emblem on it. She held it in her left hand while holding the sword in other hand. Seeing Refisher started to move to land his attack on, Utahara did some stance as she prepared to give an attack too.

"This is the end!", said Utahara.

As the stone on left hand was shining, the sword in right hand also began shining. Utahara waited Refisher got closer, after that she swung the sword onto his monster chest. That was vertical slice. Making a crack on that chest and then followed by the bursting out the soul of that Refisher. It went up to the sky and then gone. Leaving that human body laid on the ground.

"He is still alive even after level three processed..", said Utahara to Nhazul in his mind.

" Oh, that is good..", replied Nhazul.

After that, Utahara turned her view on Liem. And then Utahara walked closer to Liem with the sword on right hand. Put the belt and stone away into the pocket and bag. Liem still stunned there, she shocked with what happened. She saw battles of soulids that she never knew soulid would fight each other. But then when she realized thing, Utahara had already in front of her with her sword in the hand. But somehow, she remembered the words that Utahara wanted her body to be possessed. She couldn't be helped but to accept her fate, death by her own sword or being possessed and got eaten by that soul. And then, Utahara, on one knee, lent her hand to raise her up.

"This is your sword... Sorry, I used it without your permit..", said Utahara as made Liem sit on the ground, backrest to the tree.

"Eh?!", Liem got stunned, she never thought about this to be happened.

Back of the scenes, there were some conversation in Nhazul's mind a few moments ago after he defeated that soulid and when he was getting closer to Liem.

"You finish him..?..", said Nhazul.

"Of course I do!", replied Utahara.

"But earlier you say..", Nhazul tried to say about Utahara words earlier.

"Oh, that! That is to draw his attention. Refisher is kind of soul that don't care about anything, they would do anything as they please, he could just kill her in instant, you know..", explained Utahara.

" So that is an act?", asked Nhazul.

"Kind of it, but..", Utahara tried to say something but it stopped.

"But..?", Nhazul got curious.

"Nothing, or whatever!", said Utahara.

"Hee??", responded Nhazul.

"Then, let's settle this!", said Utahara, as she turned to see Liem who laid down on the ground and walked to her place.

"Eh?! What do you mean settle this?", asked Nhazul.

" You do not really mean to possess her, do you?", added him to Utahara.

"Hemm... That would be good, I've got sick to stay in here with some fools anyway..", replied Utahara.

" Wha... Are you sure you will do it?", asked Nhazul to confirm her thoughts.

"Of course not, I can't do that, even I want to! More importantly! Now it's your chance to get some rewards for saving her! Some hugs and kisses would be good!", said Utahara.

" Eh, not those again..", Nhazul rufused.

" What?! It's normal, right? You are male and she is female!", said Utahara again.

" That is not the case..", replied Nhazul.

" So, what?! You even cared with her safety earlier..", said Utahara.

" What?! You're shivering? Alright, I'll lend you a hand!", said Utahara to add her words.

As they did conversation, they had got closer to Liem, and then Nhazul put Liem to backrest on the tree nearby. And then Nhazul, in this case Utahara, looked at Liem eyes so long. Liem who still shocked with what happened made even stunned with what was happening. Nhazul used his hand to raise her face by her chin. Their faces were really close.

"Alright, I'll leave you here!", said Utahara as she switched back with Nhazul to take control of his body.

The blue aura casted out and faded, the long hair returned to his normal hair and then he opened his eyes.

"Eh!", Nhazul backed to his conscious after being so nervous to see what Utahara done with his body.

Their faces, Nhazul and Liem were really close to kissing. But, surprised Nhazul made Liem to be back to her conscious as well after her long stunning condition that out of her mind. Noticed Nhazul mouth had almost reached hers, she pushed him back. Nhazul pushed down to the ground. And then, their face got really red afterward, blushing. But that was not end, suddenly some familar voice woke him up even hard.

"Nhaz! What are you doing?!", said Rebecca.

She was standing watching him and Liem there, Ghoza also with her.
