Tender Soul 7

After they finished packed up, they started to move. They would try to help Nhazul while keeping their distant from the battle between Nhazul and Seiken. That was so, when they started on moving, Rebecca asked Ghoza to turn the soul detector on.

"Hei, Ghoza! Use your detector to give us better distant from them!", that how she said to him.

" Oh! Right!!", Ghoza took out the detector from his bag and then turned it on.

And then, Rebecca, Ghoza and Liem headed out to the place where Nhazul was fighting.

Back to the place where Nhazul was.

After did the briefing with his soulids in his mind, about the plan to defeat Seiken, Nhazul prepared himself to go to Seiken place.

"Wait a minute, I feel like I forget something important, the belt..", said Nhazul as he reached his waist to find he didn't use the special belt, but when he checked on his bag, it was still there, the belt.

"I did not put it on since we started the fight, did I?", Nhazul was asking to confirm his thoughts.

"Yeah right!", Mera responded.

"But, I did the transfusion skill and we could do all out back there..", Nhazul was confusing.

" Hmm... Looking by the emptiness of this side of town, it seems like an abandoned town. And anti moren radiator seems out of function now. That's why we don't need the belt to use our skill out, I guess..", Utahara gave her opinion.

" I see..", responded Nhazul.

"Alright! Stop waste any time! Let's find him and finish him!", said Mera.

" Yes, of course, and save Liem's brother as well..", replied Nhazul as he started to move to Seiken location.

But that seemed to be unnecessary, Seiken had been there. Standing on the top of the high building nearby. Starring with his demonic face to Nhazul who was standing on the road in front of that building. Nhazul just noticed Seiken there a few seconds ago. He also rather surprised with how was the situation now. He didn't predict the thing would be like this, even all things for plan had been set, but it was just to sudden.

"Hiding something powerful for last time?! That's not really so wise to think you're facing stronger opponent than yourself!! But that's interesting! Come on! Use everything you've got!!", after said those things, Seiken jumped down to Nhazul from that high place.

"Here, he comes!", Utahara responded as she took control of Nhazul's.

Now she had possessed him, and then got ready with the swords on his hands. One sword was Liem's sword and one other was the sword that he took from Seiken, Liem's brother's sword. Utahara used up those swords. She tried to slice Seiken with them, but he blocked those sword with something unseen and then jumped up backward then landed to the ground.

"So that's the sword you had used secretly to attacked us!", Utahara figured something as she talked to Seiken.

"Oh! You notice it!?", Seiken seemed amazed with Utahara sharp instincts.

"That's a quite long sword for being hid under you sleeve clothing, isn't it?", said Utahara.

" Oh! Hide it on this cloth? Not that right!", Seiken declined.

" Really?", responded Utahara.

"Just had it proved yourself!", Seiken was teasing.

" Oh! You want me to reap your clothes away! What a naughty thing to do!! Alright then! Here I go!", Utahara started to move to attack.

When she got closer to Seiken, she had ready to do some slicing attacks to him, but his stance reminded her of something else to do, evading.

"That stance!!", Utahara figured something and then she moved out away to other direction.

Seiken shot wave of sealing skill. But fortunately Utahara could dodge it, even it made their distance further now.

"What is it? You make me harder to do it?", Utahara was teasing.

" I've sealed you before! And it's so short term times to be free. You have power to release the seal, why you are afraid of it now! Or that's the other soul's power after all? If that so, I have no other business with you anymore, just switch up with it!", said Seiken to tell his opinion.

" Hmm... Can't do! He's not available now actually. So, it would be me who you are fighting for!", replied Utahara.

" Huhh! You want me to force him to come out? Not a wise choice!", Seiken moved to Nhazul's place.

" Here he go! Stick on the plan! I'll get closer to him an you finish the job!", Utahara talked in Nhazul's mind to tell her thought to Mera.

"Alright! Alright! Just get it closer already!!", replied Mera.

Before Seiken got into a range of close distance, he shot the sealing skills with his two hands crossed. Utahara who figured he would shoot these skills again had moved out to other side, but she got herself did a mistake. Seiken crossing shot made the wave of that skill moved to each side of Utahara's side.

"Oh no! He predicted my move, or I just got wrong moves. I should have stayed on my position just now!..", Utahara said on her thought.

That skill hit him, Nhazul, he returned to himself as he got weakened for a moment and fell down.

"Oh, no, Utahara! Can you hear me?", Nhazul called Utahara on his mind.

"... Um, yeah, I got you!", Utahara replied.

" Oh, good to hear you out, but about that skill, it hit me, does not it?", Nhazul tried to confirm a thing.

" Yeah, right! It hit us! But... Wait! Don't tell me!! Hei!!", Utahara seemed figured something then she called out.

"Oh, Mera! Can you hear me?", Nhazul was calling on Mera, but there was no response from him.

"He got sealed again! That orc! Why he didn't dodge it", Utahara mumbled.

" Did Seiken know about the plan, that he try to stop it by sealing Mera?", Nhazul was asking about his opinion.

" No so sure! It's just that fire head had never been prepared to dodging every sealing skill that hit you..", explained Utahara.

" Oh I see... Then what should we do now? Our plan has been failed,  has not it?", Nhazul was asking.

" Ah, it's failed! And I still can match his power. Our only hope is just that stone head now, but look like he have back to his sleep again, it will be hard task to wake him up!", Utahara explained the situation to Nhazul.

"Oh no..", responded Nhazul, sad.

Nhazul stood up again to be ready for another attacks from Seiken. But he found that Seiken was walking out to another direction from where he stood was. After Seiken succeed shot him down with sealing skill, Seiken didn't continue to attack, and now Seiken was walking away to other place.

"Where does he go? Does he forget to do something?", Nhazul was talking with Utahara in his mind.

"Probably..", answered Utahara.

"Or, oh no, seem like he want to go to Rebecca and others place, he ever said he will kill them all as well, did not he?", Nhazul thought about his opinion.

" Do you think he sense their presence nearby?", Utahara was asking.

" Oh, do not tell me they are coming to help me again... They are in danger, let's go follow Seiken and save them from him..", Nhazul asked Utahara to help Rebecca and others from Seiken.

"You're the one who need help, boy! But, alright I'll back you up!", responded Utahara.

And then Nhazul was following Seiken to the place he headed, Nhazul thought he would go to Rebecca and others to kill them. Nhazul didn't want to let him do that, of course. Nhazul ran toward him.

"Hei! Our fight has not over yet!", Nhazul was shouting.

But Seiken ignored him and kept on moving. Seeing this, Nhazul was fastener his move to catch up with Seiken. He was getting closer to Seiken, but Seiken still didn't really give much attention to him.  And then in very sudden, Nhazul did an initiative to attack Seiken. With two of swords on his hands, he swung them horizontally crossed to Seiken. But of course Seiken well awared of him, as Seiken took the steps back to evade the swords, Seiken dodged that attack. But Nhazul didn't stop at that attack, by the sword in his right hand, he swung it backward as he try to hit Seiken. Seiken was also noticing his gesture that wanted to keep attacking.

And that time, in such accelerated thought, Seiken saw another movement from Nhazul's left hand that swung another sword from the other side. Seiken was thinking that Nhazul was trying to deceive him with the right hand attack, to make the attacking from left hand worked to hit him, he thought Nhazul would do a spin to make an impact from Nhazul's left hand attack. So he was focused on the left hand as he tried to block that sword with his hand. But both of Nhazul's hands didn't stop trying to hitting him or even doing a spin as he predicted. After he reached the sword on Nhazul's left hand by his hand, he tried to block another attack from Nhazul's right hand by his arm. The left sword was stopped by Seiken's left hand and the right sword was stopped by Seiken's right arm, it stuck.

"What an unpredictably move you have there! But not the best enough!!", Seiken was teasing Nhazul.

But Nhazul was not stopped yet, it that moment, he was still trying to attack Seiken with his left leg, backward kick. It hit Seiken and made him pushed back a little distant. Seiken was surprising by that kick, but he was laughing as he teasing Nhazul's power.

"Really good move! But not enough power to hurt me!", said Seiken.

Meanwhile, Nhazul was actually rather surprised too that his own attacks could manage to hit him that much.

"Good movements, boy!", Utahara was praising Nhazul in his mind conversation.

"Ha, thank you, that is surprising me too actually, I do not prepared for attacking in the first place, if you could know..", responded Nhazul.

"... But that is not even giving him damage, is it?", added Nhazul after he took a little breathing, he looked tired.

"Not so true! Watch carefully! You manage to reap his clothes and even make him bleeding, you see!!", said Utahara as she told Nhazul about Seiken current condition.

Seiken's right sleeve was reaped by the attacks, and there were also some blood occurred on that reaped sleeve cloth.

"Oh! That sword manages to give me a cut! Just a little though... Alright! I will give you a hint to know my current power right now!", said Seiken as he reaped the whole of his right arm sleeve cloth.

And then, that arm turned into demonic arm as soon as the cloth was torn apart. After that, he took off his right hand glove. Did same like his arm, as soon as the glove was off, his hand turned into demonic hand. But that wasn't end yet, something was out from that hand's palm. It was sword, long sword one, it came out from his palm. At the end of that sword, the grip, he immediately held that up as he started to move forward toward Nhazul fast. He was trying to attack with that sword. He swung it horizontally against Nhazul. Nhazul who got surprised with that quick attack, couldn't do an evasion. But he tried to block that sword with his two swords. He did it, he blocked that attack. But yet, the pressure power of Seiken was too much for Nhazul to handle. Even though Nhazul could manage to block it, but in the end, he was pushed back for some distant.

"Hei! Are you alright, boy?", Utahara was asking Nhazul's condition.

"Yes, just little bit tiring actually..", replied Nhazul.

" Let me handle him then!", said Utahara.

" No, it is okay, I still can go on..", responded Nhazul.

" Hmm... You're bit fire up than usual, but not that good, I'll take the full control now!", said Utahara as she possessed Nhazul and took control over him.

"Ah, wait..", Nhazul tried to complain but Utahara shut him up.

"Just be quiet! I want talk with him a little for now!", responded Utahara.

And then, Nhazul seemed to be silent.

"What a long sword! I didn't expect that sword you hid will be that long!", Utahara was trying to talk to Seiken.

"Hm... I also didn't expect that you could make me to show it to you!", replied Seiken.

That long sword was twice longer than Seiken's height, and even Seiken, in this case, Xiu, Liem's brother's body height, was little bit taller than Nhazul.

"So that you could hide your true form under that clothes!?" Utahara was asking.

" It's interesting clothes they had, isn't it?! It suppresses my power for the first, but then I got used to it so I can finally manage to control my full power under this suppress..", explained Seiken.

" Hoo! Interesting! So that, it can be presumed that your power is really almost reaching to level 4 then!", Utahara was guessing.

" Almost reaching?! You don't get it, huh?! Maybe after your death, you will understand it well!", said Seiken.

Seiken was running toward Nhazul. With the long sword beside him, he would try to attack Nhazul again. But, suddenly an explosion destroyed the street, right in front of Seiken face, but he manage to dodge it. And from that explosion, both Nhazul and Seiken remembered the thing. That was the same explosion that the last time save Nhazul from Seiken's execution.

"This explosion..!?", Seiken figured a thing.

" Oh! It is Ghoza's weapon..", said Nhazul in his mind.

Immediately, he took over control of himself again from Utahara. And then, he looked around to find whereabout Ghoza was shooting that weapon. Then, he found Ghoza, he was about 7 buildings from where that explosion happened. But, bad for him, Seiken noticed him as well. Nhazul could tell that as now Nhazul tried to stop Seiken from getting closer to Ghoza.

"Oh, no!", Nhazul was running toward Seiken as he was trying to stop him.

Meanwhile on Ghoza place.

"Ouhh!! That's close! He dodged it!", Ghoza felt disappointed.

" It's okay, let's get back! He will come this way!!", said Rebecca as he pulled Ghoza's bag and made him dragged along with it.

"He's coming here!", shouted Liem to Rebecca and Ghoza as she saw Seiken through binoculars.

And then they three were running to get away from Seiken. Meanwhile, Seiken was moving their way. And Nhazul, he was chasing Seiken right behind.

"Hei!", Nhazul shouted.

Nhazul was trying to get Seiken's attention, but Seiken ignored him and kept on pursuit the three.

"He completely ignoring me! He intends to kill them all..", said Nhazul.

" Well... He had said it so, and that included you as well!", Utahara replied him in his mind.

" This is bad... I can't stop him like this..", said Nhazul.

He thought that he couldn't stop Seiken with his current state, especially he was tiring to keep on running.

"Alright! I got it!", Utahara seemed understood what Nhazul mean, and then she switched with him again.

Now, Utahara took control of Nhazul's body. And by that time, the speed of the running raised. He could reach Seiken. And with the two swords, Utahara tried to slice Seiken from behind. But Seiken had awared of that. With the long sword on Seiken's right hand, Seiken swung it horizontally to the back. That long sword got to Nhazul's body faster than Utahara could predicted. That was so, she cancelled the attack and did a jump to evading that long sword.

After swinging that long sword backward and made around, Seiken stopped as he was facing Nhazul, Utahara that time.

"You're persistent, huh!?! Even though you couldn't beat me at all!!", that what Seiken said.

But Utahara, after that evading jump, she rolled up and kept forward to Seiken as she would do some other attack to him with dual swords on the hands and then jumped forward. Her dual swords attack were almost reached him, but his long sword had already horizontally moved on her left side. At that aerial situation, she immediately used her sword on her left hand to block that long sword. And yet, his power was still out of handle for her. That long sword kept pressing that block to reach Nhazul's body. She ended up to use that two swords to blocking that pressure. Even so, that strength still sent Nhazul's body flying to smash the building nearby, that was a clothing store with big glasses case. Nhazul's body broke into it.

"Just stay there until I finish with your friends!", said Seiken to Nhazul as he left him there to catch his friends.

In other site, Ghoza, while he was running, he was reloading the bullet for the gun on his hand. He prepared for next shooting. A few meters away of him, Liem was also running while kept on looking for Seiken's whereabout on her binoculars.

"How is it?! Is he pursuing us here?!", Ghoza was asking Liem about Seiken.

" I can't see him from here! But I can sense his presence is coming this way!", answered Liem to Ghoza.

" Ah! That's bad!", responded Ghoza.

"But it's not that bad for the plan..", replied Liem.

" Whatever! Let's hurry up!", said Ghoza as he increased his speed of his run.

A few moments later, something was crushing the building nearby on their way. Then, someone was coming out from that destroyed building. That was Seiken. With his long sword on his hand.

"He is fast! I can't really sense him in his speed like that! This is bad!", expressed Liem to see how fast Seiken moved despite of his presence of aura.

"Of course this is bad! It has already bad from the first time we face him!!", responded Ghoza as he tried to fastener his run to get away from Seiken's chase.

"Enough with playing run! I will kill you all here and now!", said Seiken as he started to run to chase them two.

But then Ghoza shot the bullet of his gun toward Seiken in sudden. It hit and exploded.

"Don't shoot it all of sudden without giving me a warning! You could hit me back there!", Liem was complaining after she managed to dodge Ghoza sudden bullet.

"Sorry! Sorry! I was in panic... Hehe..", Ghoza was smiling on his apologies.

" Hmmph..", responded Liem.

As she responded Ghoza apologize, Liem seemed worried about her brother's body. Then the smokes after that explosion faded little by little. Liem kept her eyes on that spot to see how her brother's body while she was running further from there. But until the smokes vanished, Liem's brother's body, Seiken, wasn't there. Liem was surprising and wondering where was he.

"He is not there! He vanished!", Liem talked to Ghoza on their run.

" He vanished?! That's good, right!! I can't believe that would be the effect of this weapon..", responded Ghoza in his happy face.

" Ah! That's not what I meant..", Liem tried to say something but,

Suddenly, something was breaking through outta wall from the building on their right side. A long sword that made the wall broken in pieces. Seiken's long sword, and it was long enough to reach their bodies, Ghoza and Liem. In swiftly, Liem jumped over Ghoza to make themselves in ducked so they could evading that sword. And they managed to dodge it, after that, they continued to run faster. A second later, Seiken came out from that building and began to chase them again.

"Good movements... Gahaha... Hnm!", Seiken seemed amused by that, but suddenly he figured something else.

"Where is the another girl that had been with you a while ago?!", said Seiken to ask Ghoza and Liem.

Seiken could sense there were three of them while he was came by, but he was to focus to catch Ghoza because of the gun. And then he lost her sign. But Ghoza and Liem didn't answer his question. Ghoza even gave another shot of his explosive bullet instead of answer to Seiken. This time, Seiken used his sword to slice that bullet. It exploded and made smokes spreading, and looked like Seiken had stopped too, but not so long, until he came out from that smoke with not even single damage done on him.

"You are death meat!!", cursed Seiken to Ghoza in his pursuit.

Go back to another place in several moments ago, in the store where Nhazul was laid down after sent by Seiken strike. He tried to stand again to continue to stop Seiken from getting closer to his friend. But then, suddenly someone was coming in to the store. Getting closer to Nhazul's body. Nhazul seemed awared of it. And when they caught up.

"Hei! Are you alright?!", Rebecca was coming to Nhazul.

Nhazul tried to wake up again on his messed condition, his hoody was covered himself and some other clothes from that store scrambled on him. Rebecca was helping him out, but then suddenly she was asking him something that bothered her thought.

"Emm... Hei, are you Nhazul or..?", she tried to asking but,

" So what if I'm not! Are you helping me or what?!", that was Utahara, she seemed to be irritated of something.

"Oh! No! It's not it! I just want to confirm who you are..", replied Rebecca.

" Let me treat your wounds..", so that Rebecca with the medical kit on her, started to treat the wounds on Nhazul's body.

On the treatment of the wound on his Chest, Rebecca looked like she's feeling it how hurt it was. She treated it carefully. But suddenly Nhazul's body was reacting like it was hurting while on her treatment.

"Oh, sorry! It looks hurting so much, even for a soul like you, is it that really hurt you?", Rebecca was asking.

" Of course, it is hurt, the soul also could feel hurting, if you could know that..", that was the answer for Rebecca question.

The way that words told, sounded familiar for her to be heard. Nhazul, she thought that was Nhazul who was speaking.

"N-nhaz? Is-is that you? Y-you are back?", responded Rebecca, she still felt the awkwardness while in around the real Nhazul.

"Yes, it is me, why are you here? I think I have said to Liem to ask you to get out of here, you all are in danger, Seiken is really trying to kill you all this time..", said Nhazul.

" Emm... She said so... Umm, we know we are in danger, but, em, how about you? You can't defeat him alone, right?! With all these wounds?", responded Rebecca.

" I... Uh..", Nhazul couldn't say anything.

" Y-you can't, right? Don't forget that we are a team, soulid research team! T-that's what Ghoza said... Um... Oh! Right! H-here!! Liem gives you this..", Rebecca handed a small bottle drink to Nhazul.

"Eh? What is it?", Nhazul was wondering.

" S-she said to restore your energy and mana or something, I don't know what she means..", answered Rebecca.

" Okay..", Nhazul received that bottle from Rebecca.

And then Nhazul drank that drink. He could feel refreshing on him, his power was restored a bit. And after some minutes, Rebecca finished her treatment on Nhazul's wounds.

"That's it all!...", she packed back the kit.

" Umm, thank you, Becca..", said Nhazul as he tried to stand on his feet.

"Hmm..", she was just nodding while kept on packing the kit.

For few seconds, the situation got all of silent. Rebecca had no idea what else should she said to Nhazul. But then Nhazul finally was starting to speak up.

"Becca... I... I am sorry, but... I think it would be best if I faced Seiken all alone... I appreciate how you all think of helping me, I really do, but... This time, my power, with my current power, I could not protect you all from the danger ahead, I could not guaranteed your safety, and I just could not know what should I do if anything bad happen to you, I cannot accept that... But I will get even strong, stronger enough to ensure to protect you all while facing the kind of strong soulids like Seiken... That is why... Please wait for me in safe place for now, until I defeat that Seiken, I will win..", Nhazul was reassuring Rebecca that he could do it alone.

"... Mmm... Alright, just promise me that you have to return to me-us alive, we will waiting for your winning, and complete our mission, me and Ghoza, and Liem too.." responded Rebecca in little awkward.

" Hehe... Mmm, oh, right! Ghoza and Liem! They must be in trouble now! After we saw you had beaten by Seiken to this place, I told them that I will go on check for your condition. And then they are starting to luring Seiken away to give me time for treating your wounds..", added her.

" Okay! I get it! I will take care of it from now, you go back and hide in safe place, stay there and wait for my return, is that okay?", Nhazul asked Rebecca.

" Yes! Oh! Do you need this soul detector to trace the Seiken's location?", now that Rebecca was asking if Nhazul needed the soul detector that she held.

"No, I can sense his present for now, you are more needed it than me to keep the distant from him... Utahara! You can now feel him from here, right?! Let's do it!", Nhazul said it in the voice.

A moment later, Nhazul changed, he switched with Utahara. And then, she picked the two swords that she dropped last time when she got crushed into the store. After that, she put those swords to Rebecca's side then she was patting Rebecca's head gently.

"Please bring those swords for me... And like this boy said, you take the shelter with them! We will handle Seiken our own ways, got it?! Alright, off we go!", said Utahara as she moved out to the place where Nhazul could sense Seiken whereabout.

Rebecca was still sitting there with no word. She was wondering about little thing and also feeling something happy, she couldn't tell. And then after she felt all those things enough, she stood up and went back to the place where they, Ghoza, Liem and her, had planned to be as their regrouping spot place.

Then, back to the time where Seiken was on chasing Ghoza and Liem. They two tried their best to run as far as they could to keep the distant from Seiken, Seiken's long sword was always almost reaching them. But with some lucks, they also could always dodge all his attacks.

"How is it? We can't just go to the meeting point if he is kept following us like this, right?", Liem talked to Ghoza as they were on running.

"Don't ask me!! I've no time to thinking, ya know!!", replied Ghoza.

That moment they two were really focus to keep running away from Seiken and without their realizing, there was Nhazul who standing a few meters in front of them, stood up in the middle of road, waiting for them.

"Nhazul?!", both Ghoza and Liem rather surprised to see Nhazul there.

When the would passed him by, the words came out from his mouth.

"Just go on! I'll take care of it from here!", that was how it heard.

Then Ghoza and Liem kept on running. Passing him by. And Seiken, he saw Nhazul was standing there, blocking his way. Then with his long sword, he was swinging that toward Nhazul. That sword almost hit him. But then that sword was blocked. Nhazul blocked that sword with his left hand and that made Seiken stopped.

"You again!", said Seiken to Nhazul, Seiken thought Nhazul was possessed by the soulid that gave him big strike with stone punching last time.

"Finally you come out again! I wanna pay back for your last strike!!", Seiken continued his words, but Nhazul kept on silent.

"You don't talk too much, do you? Better than those big mouths! You have strength!", Seiken kept on talk while Nhazul kept on silent.

Even so, that sword  was being held by Nhazul's hand. Seiken tried to pull it out but he couldn't. Nhazul's hand held it tightly.

"What is it?! Competition of strength?", said Seiken.

With additional strength, Seiken finally could pull it off from Nhazul's hand. But he wasn't stopped there. After that sword freed, Seiken continued to swing that sword, he was aiming Nhazul's left arm which stretched widely. And, he cut it. Nhazul's arm was cut by that sword. But Seiken could feel something was off. Nhazul wasn't bleeding at all that time.

"Hoo! Another tricks, huh?", Seiken was thinking that Nhazul was trying to fool him.

And then Seiken continued to slicing Nhazul's body, he was reaping Nhazul apart by his long sword. Yet, Nhazul didn't move a single step a side, not even a word came out from Nhazul's mouth. Seiken could feel the odd from Nhazul behavior, but he kept slicing, he even added his strength on his swinging that sword. Those made Nhazul reaped into pieces. No blood spilled. And then those pieces of Nhazul that had reaped, turned into pieces of rocks. And by that time, Seiken could felt a present of soul was coming up nearby.

"So that's what happening!", Seiken turned himself to his behind.

And that he saw Nhazul with the claw blade had ready to strike him from behind. In such quick response, he used his sword to block Nhazul's attack. His sword and Nhazul's claw blades were clashing.

"You delayed me by sending that stone dummy to stop chasing your friends until you can catch up with me here? What a sneaky trick you have..", said Seiken to guessing what Nhazul was doing.

With some strength added, Seiken pushed his sword against Nhazul, and ended up made Nhazul pushed back for some distance. But Nhazul, no that was actually Utahara from started, stood up quickly and gave little smile to Seiken.

"Yeah, that's so! Not bad isn't it? Hehe..", said Utahara.

Just after Utahara said those words, in sudden, an attack had delivered to attack her, Seiken attacked her with his long sword attack that could reach her instantly. Utahara could manage to defended herself, but because of Seiken's strength, her grip to the claw blades was loosen and then she dropped it to the ground while she herself was sent flying backward because of the pressure of Seiken's attack.

"Hehh! But your tricks don't change the fact that you couldn't stand for my power after all!!", Seiken was talking highly as he walked closer to Utahara.

" Yeah, seem like you're right about that!", replied Utahara.

Utahara was thinking about something after she saw Seiken was walking toward her by passing the path where the claw blades was dropped nearby.

"You knew what to do, right?!", said Utahara in Nhazul's mind.

In a moment, brown aura was blasting out from Nhazul's body. It's Gaara, he switched with Utahara. And then, as he shouted loud in his way, he quickly got down to touch the ground. Seiken seemed little surprised for that, but then he noticed something else. The rising ground behind him came his way, and this shaped like the arm, it was holding the claw blades in it, and it moved straight toward Seiken. But since Seiken was well awared to this, immediately he used his long sword to break that stone and stopped that claw blades from reaching him. Those thing made him to turned away from Nhazul.

As she saw this as an opportunity, Utahara took back control of Nhazul's body and started to move toward Seiken. She took out a macha box from Nhazul's pocket. She pushed the button, "READY COMBAT KNIFE!", that macha box turned into a combat knife. Utahara ran and tried to stab Seiken from his back. But again, that wasn't working as her plan, Seiken used his left hand to stop that knife. Even so, that knife was actually stabbed on Seiken's hand. Seeing this, Utahara just decided to fall back to keep the distant from Seiken, because she was afraid Seiken would do something unexpected thing, she couldn't be reckless anymore. She couldn't pulled out the knife since it stuck deep on Seiken's hand and would be rather hard to pull it out.

"You didn't understand your situation, huh?!", said Seiken as he used his monster right hand to pulled out that knife from his left hand and then reaped his sleeve cloth on left arm.

After that completely reaped out, that arm turned into monster arm. And then he continued to tear his clothes completely. Then he turned himself into monster form all over his body.

"Now! Do you understand our diversity of level?!", said Seiken in mocking tone.

" He really hide his form under that clothing! He... He's almost reaching-.. no, he had reached the level 4 from the start of our fight! So, he mean to the next level, that meant level 5, his true form!", said Utahara in Nhazul's mind.

" What should we do to defeat him then?", Nhazul asked.

" In this current level, I don't think we could-..", replied Utahara, but suddenly something else happened.

"Ah!? I am... I am back..", Nhazul was back to take full control of his body.

Nhazul could feel the similiar feeling like before. The feeling when sealing skill got him.

"This feeling!? It cannot be... Utahara! Gaara! Answer me!", Nhazul was calling in his mind to confirm his thoughts.

Seiken used the soul sealing on Nhazul again, this time he sealed both Utahara and Gaara in the same time.

Back a little to the time before its fight. After drinking the drink that Rebecca gave to Nhazul that given from Liem, Nhazul felt refreshed for his soul made him could clearly sensed where Seiken's location. It didn't cured Mera from the sealed skill though, but then it turned it made Gaara awaken from his sleep. At that time, Nhazul could sense Seiken, Ghoza and Liem's presents were close to each other. He thought it would be bad. That was so, suddenly Gaara took over Nhazul's body to doing something. With his skill, he made a replica of Nhazul's body on the spot where he thought would be passed by their three. While kept on controlling that replica, he waited until Ghoza and Liem passed and said the message that Nhazul wanted to say. After that, by controlling that replica body, he could also watched the situation through that stone replica's eyes. That he saw Seiken started to attack with the long sword toward it. So, he controlled its hand to block it and with it strength, it made the sword stuck. But then that was all. Utahara suggested that he, Gaara in the real body of Nhazul, began moving to the place where Seiken was stopped. But Gaara was moved slow, so Utahara took over the control of Nhazul's body and moved fast toward Seiken's location while she was taking out the claw blades on her to be ready to strike Seiken from his back. That was what happened back there.

So, it would be back to the current situation when Seiken had finally sealed both Utahara and Gaara in Nhazul.

"They have been sealed..", Nhazul's conclusion.

But suddenly a fast movement from Seiken surprised Nhazul, that was not an surprising attack but at that situation,  actually Nhazul was still shock for that moments and yet another thing came in fast. And this upcoming thing was really shocked Nhazul. Seiken, with his long sword, he pierced Nhazul's body right on Nhazul's last wound on that chest.

"Aghh...!!", Nhazul reacted on that.

He couldn't believe it would that fast. He tried to pull that sword out but he lost his strength on his arms to pull it out. He even barely to say a single word. The blood came out from that wound and over his mouth. He was still on his conscious and he felt hurting that much, he was still standing.

"You're so bothersome! Just let that sword absorb your life force that left in you! And for all my kinds in your body, sorry, I think you should find another body to be possessed, and never ever bother my business again! I spare you for now cause I will reach my true form nearly and feel happy about it..", said Seiken.

After he thought it had enough to absorb Nhazul's life force. He slowly pulled out his sword from Nhazul's body. Nhazul was still feeling it hurt and on his standing position. And when that sword completely out of Nhazul's body, Nhazul fell on the knee then dropped to the ground. No one of his soulids could reach on him, not even to react on his situation. They were completely sealed in Nhazul's.

Nhazul was still on his conscious, he tried to reach Seiken's foot by his hand but it was so far to be reached. He was dying there. And Seiken saw him in delightful feeling.

"You sure are amusing! But in the end, you've got nothing that really pleased my times! But it's okay! My time of leveling up will be near, I think you can see my true form from the other world! Gahaha..", said Seiken to Nhazul who started to lose his conscious.

"Ughh!..", Nhazul was trying to say something but he couldn't.

His life force was fading, then finally gone, he died.

" Huh! Don't worry about your friends! They will follow you up later and you will be met them in the next life!", Seiken continued his words as he started to walk away and leave Nhazul's body there.
