
"Thank you for the help. Pinetree!" His voice suddenly went from his whispering like to a louder one that I knew pretty well. As I heard my old nickname, I froze as my pain disappeared. I slowly stood up not realizing when my lips formed a faint smile. I let out a sea of tears as I spoke.

"G-glad to hear you again B-bill." Silence. Then I woke up.

After my paralysis went down I felt something damp on my arm. My hoodie's sleeve was soaked. I slowly sat on the edge of the bed and took the clothing off, then the gauze and squeezed them dry. I stood up and got my phone from the desk and it was 2:47am.

I turned on the flashlight on my phone and saw that the sheets had some red spots on them as well. I took them off, grabbed my clothing and old gauze and went to the bathroom barefoot so I didn't wake up anyone. I dropped them on the floor and ran the water. I drank some and then placed my arm under the cold water and started to wipe away the dry blood.

On my wrist now were graved two double lines. The big triangles were between them. The two circles became the spell we were going to use to capture Bill. And under my shoulder were more small triangles. I smiled when I saw Bill in the middle of the circles. I was spacing out probably for 2 minutes thinking of him.

When I came back on Earth I took some new gauze, wrapped it around my arm and shoulder and started to fill a bucket with water. Then I went upstairs with a mop and the bucket. I started cleaning the mess I made. The only thing I could think of was how to not wake up anyone.

But then Mabel's bedside lamp shone in my eyes.

'Well, damn.' was the first thing that came in my mind.

I almost dropped my phone in the bucket as I saw her sitting on the edge of her bed staring at the floor with her mouth a gape. "W-w-wha...W-what is...t-this?" She barely formed the words, scared to look me in the eyes. "Mabel, I'll explain ev-"

"GRUNKLE STAN!!!" She screamed like a banshee.

"Mabel, No!!"

As I said that I started running towards the stairs. "Dipper!!" I almost tripped as I heard Grunkle Stan's door swing open. I froze at the spot, when I saw him standing with wide eyes at the bottom of the stairs. I put my phone away and looked over my shoulder.

Mabel was trying to block the way. I abruptly turned around. "Move!" I swung my hand aside and Mabel moved to her right, knowing that I was ready to hit her if she didn't.

Instead of going back to the bedroom I took a left turn and went into Soos's formal room. Good thing was that the key was on the Door case. I closed the door stealing a last glance at Mabel who was running towards me. I took the key and managed to put it in the keyhole right before someone to hit the door causing it to open half-way. I was able to push the door back closed along with the person on the other side. Then I locked it quickly.

"Open up!" Mabel yelled punching the door.

I hit my back against the door and slid onto the floor, already exhausted trying to catch my breath. "What's going on in here?!" Grunkle Stan asked worried. "Stop punching the door! You'll hurt yourself!" Grunkle Ford stated.

"There's Blood all over his side of the room! He even tried to run away!!" She explained fuming.

"Because you can't keep your mouth shut!" I snapped and punched the door. "What did you say?! You seriously think I'll keep silent when it's something like this?!" She kicked the door and I didn't say anything after that.

-Third Person POV-

Mabel kicked the door and Dipper stayed silent. Ford went to the twins' room to see if what his niece said was really the case. Stan grabbed Mabel for the shoulder, turned her around to hug her and she started to calm down. Ford sighed weakly as he saw the red water in the bucket and the wet crimson stain on the floor. He put away the Monster Gun that he took earlier just in case and came out of the room.

Then he went to join Stan and Mabel in the hug. Mabel opened her red eyes and noticed something through her blurry vision. She let go of the hug, took Ford's Gun from under his Lab coat and turned around.

"I'll shoot at the door so get down!!" She yelled aiming at the door.

"What?!" The other three said in unison and Dipper quickly stood up and stepped back, away from the door.

"Give me that!" Ford said grabbing Mabel for the wrist. He took back his Gun and put it away, back to its original place.

Stan then put his hands on her shoulders and said with calm and parental voice. "Listen now. We're not taking the door down. There are better ways to solve this. Okay?" Mabel stared at him for a moment and nodded. "Okay."

"When he's ready he'll come out." Ford added. Then he went back to the twins' room and started cleaning.

Stan went downstairs and in the bathroom. He saw the Hoodie, gauze and white sheets were all bloody. When Ford came down to empty the bucket, Stan showed him what he found. They looked at each other with worried eyes and started to wash the blood out. Meanwhile Mabel was still standing in the hallway staring at the distance.

She heard her brother's steps which snapped her out of her trance. She turned around, facing the door and thought for a moment. Then she started walking towards it taking a couple of deep breaths. "Dipper. Can you please open the door?" Nothing. "Look, I am sorry for what I did. I had to at least hear you out. But I was scared and acted without thinking. Can you forgive me?" Stll nothing.

-Dipper's POV-

I heard footsteps going away from the door. I thought I'm safe, but I went to a corner instead of the door. I sat down leaning against the wall. Then I heard more footsteps coming from the hallway towards the room.

Mabel gave me her apology but I didn't want to talk with her right now, so I didn't say a thing. I heard her shuffle around and then a light thud. She probably sat down in front of the door. Now I had no way out.

"Please get me out of here...Bill." I whispered to myself not really expecting an answer. "We're both trapped now." He said and as I heard that I buried my head in between my knees and started crying as I completely lost any hope of a happy summer.

-One hour later-

I was still sitting on the floor staring at the distance. I didn't want to spend the whole night in here so I made, probably the most stupid decision I ever had.

"Mabel." I mumbled. Surprisingly she heard me as she stumbled while trying to get up from her sitting position. She didn't say anything, probably waiting for me to continue. "What will you do...if I were to open the door?" Silence. "Will you try to catch me? Or will you scream for help again? Or you'll just beat me up?" I asked waiting for her to choose one.

"I'll hug you. Even if you don't want me to." She said, her voice hoarse. I chuckled and slowly stood up. I walked towards the door and unlocked it. When I opened it I saw my sister's eyes were red again with dry stains of tears still visible on her cheeks. It was clear she has been crying up until now.

"That's good enough." I said and opened my arms with a small smile while waiting for a hug. She stared at me for a second. Then her eyes shifted to my arm and she started to tear up again. Then she smiled and tackled me with a hug onto the ground.

"Can we come up?" I heard Grunkle Stan ask from down stairs. I and Mabel let go and laid down, both of us staring at the ceiling. "Yes." I said, loud enough for them to hear. Grunkle Stan and Ford came up the stairs and helped me and Mabel to stand up, as we both were exhausted of the night events. We were so tired that we almost fell asleep on the floor.

The four of us walked inside my and Mabel's shared room. I walked in first, then Mabel, Stan and lastly Ford who closed the door behind him. I sat on my bed. Ford was leaning against the Door frame. Mabel and Stan were on her bed along with Waddles.

I looked around and saw that the blood was gone along with the bucket and the mop. My bed was in new sheets as well. I guess they cleaned after me.

-Third Person POV-

Mabel took Waddles in her hands. Surprisingly he didn't wake up at all through out the night events. Dipper looked at the floor and smiled weakly. When he looked up again his smiled disappeared. His Grunkle and twin were staring at him. He looked at Ford who was waiting for answers as well as the other two.

"Um, I d-don't really know how to start." He said, chuckling nervously, scratching the back of his head. Then he started fidgeting with his fingers while trying to organize his thoughts."Tell us about the gauze." Ford said. Dipper looked at him and took a deep breath. "It's nothing serious, really. You shouldn't be worried about it." He said looking at the floor while gripping tightly his right wrist.

"Can you atleast tak-" "No" Dipper cut his sister short, answering her question. He was staring at her through his hair, his cap adding shade to his face making him look scarier. Everyone looked at him alarmed that something was really off with him. Then they looked at each other and Mabel spoke.

"Can I see your other drawings?" Dipper turned his head to his backpack's direction and stood up. He took his Sketchbook out and started flipping through the pages. He tore off all drawings of Bill and the last one he was working on. Then he gave the book to Ford who went to Mabel's bed.

Dipper went to his drawer and put the drawings in a plastic sleeve and into his backpack. Then he exited the room and left his bag in the secret room where he was trapped the last hour. Then he locked the door and walked back.

The Sketchbook was in Mabel. She was turning the pages and all three were staring in awe. Dipper smiled and walked up to them. "You like them?" They nodded not taking their gazes off the book. When they reached the last drawing Mabel gave Dipper the book and she stood up. She hugged him tight and said.

"They're amazing Bro-Bro!"

"Yeah kid. But when did you find time to draw the Mystery Shack as well?" Stan asked. "Yeah, we never saw you drawing in or outside the Shack, but still you added so much detail into them." Ford added. Dipper chuckled nervously. "Um, I actually take pictures of what I want to draw and then go to the woods. It's much quieter there." He lied once again. "So, that's why you disappear for full days?" Mabel asked. "Yeah. Sorry about that."

The drawings of the Shack he made were actually old ones. He made them at home or in through his free classes at school. After he wakes up from his dream he starts drawing. Of course, he can't remember everything in much detail so he had to repeat that action multiple times. But he didn't mind, because he likes dreaming as much as drawing.

Stan and Ford hugged their grandchildren for goodnight and exited the room. Dipper and Mabel got in their beds and laid down. Soon she was fast asleep with Waddles. When Dipper was sure she was deep in her sleep he quietly got out of the bed and sat next to the stairs to guard the secret room. Plus he didn't have anything more interesting to do.


Stan and Ford exited the room. "Ford, something's not right." Stan whisper-stated to his twin while both were going down the stairs. "No....what made you think so?" Ford replied sarcastically, trying to look shocked at the statement. "Was it the gauze? Or the fact that he doesn't want to show what's under it? Was it the blood on the floor and over his clothes? No, wait! It has to be the drawings that he tore off his sketchbook and hid in my old bedroom!" He said still sarcastically.

Stan looked at him unimpressed, but slightly annoyed. Still, he didn't budge. "What caught my eye were the drawings of the Shack. He added much of a detail to them. Maybe too much if you ask me."

"What do you mean by that?" Ford asked, curious to hear more.

"The thing is....that every season I put something different for sell. It's usually something small. You won't notice if-"

"If you're not the one selling them." Ford finished his brother's sentence, starting to see his point. "Exactly. So there were the snow globes that I put in winter and the small paper bunnies that, Melody and Pacifica helped me make for Easter." Stan said his reason.

Now they were both in the basement. Ford, repeating his brother's words in his head, came up with an idea. "What if someone sent him pictures?" Stan thought for a moment. "That might be the case. We should ask Melody and Pacifica."

"I think we should ask Mabel first. She might know something. And the girls might start asking why are we questioning them about something like that." Ford pointed out. "You're right." Stan agreed.

They thought they'll go ask Mabel in the morning and that it's better to go to bed. Stan said to his twin that he'll close the Shack for tomorrow.