The mask wore

" what can't kill you makes you a little stronger"- anonymous.

When they got closed to the venue of the event, Megan took a deep breath as she braced herself for the long night to come where she will be diced, scorned by hundreds of eyes and be curse by hundreds of mouth before the final killing tomorrow when the whole event has be broadcast on television, printed in paper and the internet.

As the body guard opened the door, JT got out and she held out a hand as she got out of the car  which he took drawing her close to him as the camera flashes. she was putting on a black gown sewed with real diamonds that sparkles in the night, the gown was body hugging accentuating all her curves paired with a 5inches silver shoe while he was putting on a black suit. 

They both smile for the camera as it flashes , changing their posture when it is warranted .

It was this moments, she could feel a bit that she had him, she felt his hand on hers which she had missed and her leaning close to him might be for few seconds but she savour it as it was rare. She just wish they could stay this way that he didn't hate her and that they were not doing all this for show. Sadly reality proves otherwise and there was nothing she can do about it.

"Smile Megan", JT said as he held he close looking into her eyes which brought her back from her thoughts.

He held her hand continuously till they got inside before letting go of it but she still stick close to him.

Immediately, a lot of people began to come up to them, saying "hellos" and also trying to butter him up for business sake.

He had conversations with few of his business  associate and close friends who was present while she kept quiet just watching them with a strained smile because she felt uncomfortable with the whole event but she couldn't do anything about it cos that was what she signed up for .

Even his best friend Mark who she has also known for years, only said an "hello" to her then talk with JT and left , she didn't blame him though it has been this way ever since the incident.

Megan excused herself from the gathering and went to the bathroom.

After getting in, she sighed loudly as she felt great relief  that she could let down her guard here for few minutes before going back.

" You don't deserve him, you know" a lady who just walked into the bathroom said to her as she walked close to the mirror where she was facing.

"Excuse me", Megan said as she turned and faced her surprised on her outspokenness.

"Are you talking to me?" She asked the lady.

"Yes, I am", she answered her.

" You don't deserve Jared , he is too good for you", she said to her folding her arms on her chest and standing in a way that tells Megan that she came for a fight.

Megan did not know if she should laugh or cry.

" He is my husband and you are?", She asked her.

"Stacey", she answered her.

" Stacey, who are you to him?" She asked with a mocking smile as she looked up and down at the skinny bimbo with large fake boobs that was nearly spilling out of the gold colored short gown she was putting on. Everything about her was loud like she was trying to be the center of attention while ending up looking ridiculous cos her wears and accessories were eye blinding.

" one of his numerous exes?", she  asked her before Stacey could say a word out

"I..I" Stacey try to talk and clearly couldn't cos she never envisioned that  Megan will put her down.

" No...shush.... One of his mistress or his slut", Megan said interrupting her.

Only God knows she was damn furious right now and could strangle her,the only thing keeping her grounded was because she didn't want to have issues with JT than the ones she was having now.

" He has slept with you and now that he left you, you came to me thinking you can do what? Cause a disagreement?", She asked her calmly the way she was talking didn't even portray how she really felt about the whole situation.

" You were with him in Monaco and you have been together for a month", She told her stating the facts and yes they were all facts cos JT never fails to throw it to her face of every flings he was having even before having them and after having them.

" How.. how did you know?", Stacey asked surprised. she had wanted to confront her, get her jealous but she got shocked instead.

"I know it, you think you are the first to confront me?", Megan asked her laughing mockingly at her.

Every events she had attended so far with JT she has met numerous ladies who he had has an affair with.

" I wonder how stupid some of you ladies can be, you all want to have him even knowing he is married, you get heartbroken when he leaves then you think the next thing to do his confront his wife, Me", she said angrily.

sometimes she wondered what JT sees in these women cos of their low iq, since they can't get to him, they feel she would be an easy target.

Their brazenness baffles her and makes her wondered when it became a proud thing to be a man's mistress and still have the audacity to flaunt it in his wife 's face.

" Take a very good look at me", Megan told her doing a slow twirling.

Thanks to meeting JT when she was a teenager, Megan stop being self conscious about her body and began to appreciate it. The internet view of her looks as also boosted her ego even though she is hated so she knows her hourly glass figure was so much sort after.

" then look at yourself", she said looking at Stacey, the thin bimbo with disdain in her eyes.

" Am I lacking anything?", She asked her. Stacey couldn't speak as she has clearly being intimidated by what she saw.

"Do you think he had leave me for you?", she asked her with a scoffed ,  applied her lipstick while humming when she was done, she left the shell shocked Stacey in the bathroom.