31 New beginnings

As she got to the court house she discovered that Jared wasn't there yet and looking at the time she realized that she had came an hour earlier than stated.

She decided to sit in the car to wait till he comes.

As she stared at the court house, she had mixed feelings as she remember how almost a year ago, She had been happy even though she was nervous to get married to him with the hope that they will later get back together like the way it was between them before the setup happened that changed everything.

She felt sad that she was back where it all began to put an end to something she had thought will last forever even though it was one-sided thought from her.

She thought she would make him see the truth and be together again but it looks like fate has other plan for her.

Just like every COLEMAN out there, she had accepted her defeat and let go.

Jared was so surprised to see Megan in the court the next day.