63. Diana's pain

After they were done planning on what to do, Penelope told them she was heading back. The previous her would have stayed to have a drink with them but she couldn't for now.

She needed to rest to ensure she remains healthy for herself and her baby.

She got out of the club and the valet handed her keys to her.

She was humming as she got into her car and drove home.

" You shouldn't be keeping late night", her grandmother said to her as she walked into the living room.

She was surprised to see her up as she was an early sleeper.

She must have really been worried about her that she couldn't even sleep.

" I am sorry, grandmother. I needed to clear my head badly so I went out ", she explained as she walked close to her and sit down.

Then proceed to lean on her. This was something she has been doing since knowing her grandmother and despite her grandmother strictness when it comes to her, she spoils and gives her whatever she wants.