Chapter Three.

The mall.

I wake up early around 8am my mind flickers back to the wolf from last night "god damit leave my mind," I say exasperated as I get up I grab my lavender glasses and put them on, looking through my closet seeing if I can find something nice, looking through my five dresses I decided to go with a black long sleeved turtleneck that goes past my knees. After putting that on I look at my there pairs of shoes and go with fergie's expedition black boots. Coming downstairs I start to feed and water the dogs since I promised Pheobe I would and then I feed and water the birds as well all of a sudden something smashes on the floor with a string of curse words following right after catching my attention. Rushing to the kitchen to see a broken plate, I look to my sister to see she is wearing a black dress with the string crossing in v neckline near her breast then she is also wearing black thigh high lace up in the front boots and a black sun hat. After looking at the mess I deciding to tease her by saying, "and I thought I was clumsier," I start to grab a broom and start sweeping the plate pieces. "you are, I'm just not lucky today," she retorts back to me. "Well duh, I can trip on nothing, it probably doesn't help that I'm wearing boots with heels, well could be worse," I reply back, "excited for the torture you're going to give me at the mall?" I ask not really curious just scared, Pheobe nods back with a not so innocent smile. "Glad to see your wearing a dress with out pants or jeans, it's about time," Pheobe reply's with mischief, I smile before saying "to bad I can't outshine you, you're definitely a sight for sore eyes" I do a little bow which gets Pheobe to smile a bit and almost laugh at my antics before giving my shoulder a slap. After I dealt with the plate we set up the breakfast and eat it before going to our car, "why can't I drive?" Pheobe ask. "A, you don't have your license and B, I don't want my baby ruined," I respond answering her, she shakes her head before whispering, "bollocks," she looks up before realising something, she asks, "and what if I get my license?" I ponder for a moment before replying "yes, then I would let you but I still don't want my baby ruined." Pheobe rolls her eyes at this, while I'm giving Lucinda a quick text, we enter the car and start the drive to Avalanche Mall. After arriving to the mall I park the car in a huge parking lot,looking over at the mall it looks quite natural with forest decorations around making it look rather beautiful looking to the doors has an avalanche going over the door. While walking on the pathway I ask Pheobe Curiously "Where are we meeting them?" Pheobe looks at her phone replying "near the Fountain of Supernatural Creatures," again I find myself raising my eyebrows at the name but I decided to shrug it off. Deciding to check my phone to see Lucinda Texted me with, *where am I to meet you, * I reply quickly to her text with, *Fountain of Supernatural Creatures, * which she gives me a thumbs up in response. Turning off my phone and entering the mall we see a touch map with blue frames surrounding it showing the whole mall and start approaching it. "Ah it's in the Center should have thought that was obvious," Pheobe retorts, shaking my head we start walking to the middle walking past a lot of stores 'there are a lot of stores with odd supernatural names, hm must be a big thing here why is there a store called Big Wolves, Small Bloodsuckers, what type of name is that and somehow popular.' I shake my head we arrive at the center where the center has these statues with names ingrained in them people were kneeling in front of them 'strange but okay,' the first is Nazwald Vampire King 'he looks terrifying and similar to a human which again is terrifying,' then we have a big wolf with a human like statue next it saying Alpha King Fenrir wolf and human form 'can't help but be more curious' than its got a Witch and Wizard statue saying King Bill and his Queen Tilly known magic users and in the middle says the extinct lycanthroat King Oscar with a woman behind him hidden underneath a cloak that's says Shadow-Master unknown species it also says married to King Oscars. 'This is strange even for me and why are they all royalty and why is the name name Shadow-Master so familiar?' I shiver a bit before following Pheobe to two young ladies she first introduces me to a young lady with shoulder length very dark brown hair she has a small face with pronounced cheekbones, small chin and large round Hazel eyes she has fair skin colour she seems to be 5'-5" foot and she is wearing a long sleeved pastel pink shirt with a short white skirt and a black belt keeping it together and also wearing black knee high boots. "Becka this is Phoenix my older smaller sister, Phoenix this is Becka our youngest friend," Pheobe introduces us I go to shake her hand but before I could she lunges out and hugs me I smell cotton candy perfume on her, "it's so nice to meet you Phoenix," she squeaks a bit happily I can place she has an American accent. I smile after I exit my shock before responding back to the hug and hugging back she bounces back smiling before turning to another young pale lutino lady with long wavy Light brown hair kinda beige looking she has a diamond face shape with sharp features green eyes she is 5'-8" foot and wearing a red short sleeve floral maxi dress and black thigh high slim boots, "and this is Amanda she is known as my American twin in personality, Amanda this is Phoenix my annoying little older sister," she says teasingly as she introduces us, I respond back with, "Your annoying and tall." they laugh at this I just shake my head. Lucinda arrives a minute or two later as she slings her arm of my shoulder which startles me. "Hi Lucinda," I squeak, she looks down at me I take in her appearance she's wearing an off the shoulder short black dress with small white dots and black heels. 'damn my shortness and damn the heels.' She smiles and responds "Hi Phoenix, what's the plan for today?" Pheobe, Amanda and Becka all share a look together 'oh this ain't good from what I heard there all practically identical in personality except Becka's she's the most innocent one which isn't saying much,' and then they look at me I see my sisters light blue eyes, Amanda's green eyes, and lastly I see Becka Hazel eyes look at me all sharing the same look of mischief and pain. "Shit," I curse under my breath. "Well we will be shopping clothes, then lunch which will consist of informing you, of all the groups in University since they might want to know," Amanda pauses and looks at me and then at Pheobe they share a look which got Pheobe to say in sing, "and then make up shopping," I shake my head and grumble "my living hell," the reason why I ain't a big fan of makeup shopping is because I don't know makeup or understand make up nor do I find time to put makeup on well maybe I could but I'm generally busy with the birds or just too lazy, my reaction caused them all to start laughing. After shopping for clothes which they all insisted because and I quote 'you need better clothes than just a t-shirt and jeans or just 4 dresses, so now I have a wide variety,' which worked and not surprisingly they are all good stylists after all they dress amazing. Now we are all eating some lunch relaxing a bit before, "so the groups?" Becka asks curiously letting her American accent come through. 'Ah yes Pheobe did say Becka is starting new like us and Amanda did say that she will be talking about them.' Lucinda and Amanda share a look with each other. "There are a lot of groups but the main three to be aware of are, Night Walker group and Dark Moon group they are cruel and it's best to just stay away from them and the scariest is Blood Moon group," Lucinda says anxiously and pretty quickly mainly on the last group I almost missed it, I feel eyes look at me from behind but when I look back no one is looking but one guy who looks similar to a guy I saw in the bakery with his hair once again slicked back I can see more of his features they seem to be sharp and defined he is also wearing a similar outfit, he is talking to a young white girl with brunette long straight hair, with over exaggerated curves and plump lips and an long face structure she has chocolate brown eyes and she is wearing from what I can tell a black crop top and plaid red skirt, 'great now I'm paranoid, even though it's odd I've seen him twice now.' I look back to the group again and pay attention to what is happening. Amanda looks to Lucinda and then says in a matter of fact tone her American accent seething through, "not all of them are mean," she looks at us before saying with confidence, "Casper is quite nice and he is part of the Night Walker group, along with Adam who is a part of the Dark Moons Group and leader of it and Orion from Blood Moon group is quite compassionate," she leans back calmly while Lucinda shrugs her shoulders before looking at the two I was looking at moments before deciding to lean into her asking her "who are they?" She looks to where I'm pointing and she grabs my hand before putting my hand down and whispering, "the guy is Damian Hughes and the girl is Layla Jones their apart of the Dark Moon Group its best to start away from them they're arrogant," I nod my head before thinking 'Hughes that's familiar think where do I know that last name Laughlin oh god I hope for my sister sake he isn't here,' before looking at my hands full worry nervously scratching my right hand. Distracting myself I look beside me to see Becka shivering in her seat in fear so I deciding to offer my hand which she grasp onto trying not to flinch at her strength deciding its best to rub circles with my thumb on her hand and say to her in a soft voice, "I'm sure they're not all like that it's not black and white it's grey, after all you have us with you no matter what," she looks up at me with her big hazel eyes and smiles which I return. I see Lucinda and Amanda standing and arguing their points of view. From what I gather, Lucinda's arguing about how bad the groups are while Amanda is defending some of them and demanding her to stop scaring us. "Girls, girls your both pretty," I sarcastically say 'even though they are both pretty,' they both look at me Lucinda's eyebrows are raised while Amanda smiles at my sass. Pheobe is standing in between them and she retorts with sass as well finishing what I started with "no fighting girls you'll ruin your hair and make up." They are all looking at us, both Pheobe and I say in unison, "Wwhhaatt?" We all start looking at each other's faces they start laughing from what I can guess is because Pheobe and I said what in unison after calming them down Lucinda reaches into her bag and give us a little book each with from what I can tell is everything about the groups and all the people in them along with photos of them 'well if that ain't creepy.' I look into her forest green eyes and say questioningly "thank you?" Lucinda smiles at this than starts looking at her phone and speaks up "well I best be off I have a date with my boyfriend, Jasper," we all look at each other 'wait she has a boyfriend, PHOENIX, that's harsh we barely even know her,' I resist the urge to shake my head, we all say "Bye." After some more shopping of makeup aka my hell. After some shopping for make up I separated from them for a bit needing a breather I see a 6'-4" Caucasian man with long black hair with white streaks in his fringe near the bottom is a slight wave he has dark blue upturned narrowed eyes that are framed by his ovalish round face 'his eyes are familiar but we have never met, strange.' I also notice he is lean built and quite muscular he is wearing a dark blue turtleneck long sleeve shirt and black pair of jeans and black runners I notice he is looking at me taking details of me in return, 'oh flip,' I give him a smile and a wave which he smirked taking the initiative to approach me. "Well aren't you breathtaking, I'm Demetrius and you are," he flirts a bit with his Texas accent that I find electrifying I stand a bit stunned at being flirted with before snapping out of it. "Hello Demetrius, I'm Phoenix it's a pleasure to meet you," he holds out his hand which I bring mine out to shake his 'good thing Pheobe has the bags,' I notice the size difference between our hands and realise he is rubbing his thumb along the back of my hand i slowly move my hand out of his which makes him frown a little, "Phoenix, your not from here are you?" He requests I nod my head, "hmm" he steps forward a bit which really makes the height difference hilarious and intimidating I stand my ground and look up into his dark blue eyes they dilate which makes my heart skip a beat he directly stares into my eyes before momentarily looking at my lips which I try to hide a blush as we are chest to chest he smirks before saying "I like you, piccolo fiore," he says calmly before leaving I go beat red, 'he just called me little flower and knows Italian which in my opinion is a very sexy language I'm screwed,' I purse my lip I hear him rumbled a deep chuckle 'shit' I look up to see him smirking while running a hand through his hair "I'm guessing I'll see you in University of Mythics?" He questions I nod my head to flabbergasted to respond he smiles "wonderful, see you soon piccolo fiore and please, don't lose your tongue," he says happily before walking away 'well fuck, gotta find Pheobe and not tell her what happened,' I meet back with girls in a store called Style Up "Phoenix where were you," Becka grumble as she dragged me further into the store, " I just went to the lou, sorry I think" I reply with she just rolls her eyes. After our shopping those leave along with, Pheobe and I.

Once we get home and the bags up, deciding it's time to ask "didn't you mention a few days ago that you were planning to invite them to live with us?" Pheobe looks at me and ponders 'though I doubt she's even pondering before saying, "we were planning it but we all wanted to see if you and them get along well and if you do and agree to it than they can move in on the weekend." I smile and nod in agreement "they aren't bad, I like them," I say right after. Once dinner is over and face timing parents along with a shower right after I relax in bed before I hear knocking on my door and Pheobe barging in, 'payback I'm guessing' I look up and say "exited for tomorrow are we," Pheobe smiles evilly, "oh yes I just wanna see you somehow get lost with a map goodnight shorty," she says teasingly before starting to go back to her room I just shake my head and mutter "bitch," I hear her laugh at that and she responds with "you love this bitch tho," I just laugh and shake my head before deciding to roll over I go to turn off my light before I turn off the light I hear a howl close bye I bolt up and look towards the window into the forest to once again see the same big black dire wolf and stare into its dark blue eyes I notice the wolf's eyes dilate before it steps back into the forest "strange why is this wolf giving me Demetrius vibes, mother said Mythic City shouldn't have any supernatural beings," I breathe out startled I look at the time and frown when I notice it's only 10:00pm "I can waste 30 minutes to an hour," I mutter to myself before going to the book that Lucinda gave us after 45 minutes I go to bed and sleep.