
Ana,ana,ana,......Arnold was shouting when he entered in the palace.Anaya was upstairs in her room doing some work.

When she listened her husband's voice she hurriedly came downstairs but Arnold flinched by seeing his pregnant wife running like a mad woman on the stairs.He got angry and scolded her .

Ana,"How many times did I have to tell you not to run like this in stairs???? But you never listened to me.

Ana eyes becomes teary by listening Arnold harsh words.She started crying like a baby and said in her sobbing tone that I become excited by listening to your voice and thought that you brought my favourite ice cream for me as I am carving for it for a longer period of time....

Arnold anger vanished in a short period of time by listening his wife sobbing tone.He forgot his real purpose why he is calling her???

Arnold hold Ana in his arms and start coaxing her like a small child and said her that I will bring a full ice cream shop for you now stop crying..

Ana stop crying after listening his words.

Suddenly arnold remember his purpose for calling her.He made sit ana on the nearby chair and started explaining her about the story which the royal priest had told him about his unborn baby.

Arnold start telling her what priest had told him.He said that our child is a mix breed of both vampire and warewolf as(Arnold is a vampire king and Anaya is the Warewolf princess both are bound to be with eachother in a lovely and special relation) but their baby is not a normal mix breed he would be the scariest and the most powerful creature in both the clans. As he will have the powers of both the vampire and a warewolf.

Arnold said that the priest also told that after the birth of our baby the wicked witches will take our child with them so that they can transform him or her into a devil.Their aim is to control the world with the help of the powers of our son.

Author's note

Hello my lovely readers this is the first time I am trying a horror novel so do support me for this so that I can update further and you all will love my story.

Thank you in advance