Time flies so fast

It seems like yesterday when my love Anaya gave birth to our beautiful munchkins.But today we were celebrating their 5th birthday.

Mom and Dad spoiled them alot by fulfilling their all wishes.(Here mom and dad refers to old couple who adopted arnold as their son)

Anaya was hell busy in preparing for our babies fifth birthday party.

She got up early in the morning to decorate whole house with different colors balloons.

She specially selected black coloured balloons as black is favourite colour of our cheeku(Anaya's daughter Srish ) and blue coloured balloons as its our Ron favourite colour.

Both our kids were poles apart in their nature.One is like ice and another is fire.

My cheeku got angry on little matters.But his brother knows how to control her anger with his love .

One day both of them were playing in the garden with little bunnies and one of the bunny accidentally bit on the forefinger of my cheeku and she got angry with this.Her eyes were burning like they could emit fire anytime.

But Ron controlled her anger by showing the cuteness of both the bunnies to her which subsided her anger instantly.

I am afraid for her future who is going to handle her anger in the future.Because she is fire which can burn anyone instantly and she needed a calm and intelligent person who can handle her with live and care .

But both were very naughty they used to do things to irritate their mother. One day they were playing with mud in our garden.I didn't know what they thought they picked up a bucket and pour water and mud in it mixed it together and brought it in their mother's room and they poured that liquid on their mother who was sleeping in her room😂😂😂

They used to do lots of naughty things with their grandparents and our butler also.But all of them didnot mind because of their naughtiness.

They all said together that it is their age to do these things.Let them enjoy their childhood.

I was thinking about all these things when my princess and prince came downstairs with their mother.

My princess wore a beautiful black gown which is shining like stars.Her mother also placed a princess tiara after making bun of her beautiful hairs.She was looking like a royal princess in that dress and look.

Today her looks and outfit properly gave her a look of a royal princess of vampires and warewolfs .

She had a demonic aura also which could be easily seen by her outfit.

And on another hand my prince wore a navy blue suit which was a color of royals.

He was 5 but his intelligence and capabilities are more than a five year old child.He already knows about his responsibility and his aim of life which is to protect his sister and both clans from witches.

And my queen the mother of my children wore a red outfit which is showing her curves fully.She did not like to do makeup. she is already a beauty a simple touch up and anyone could not restrain her charm after all she is the princess of warewolves and queen of vampires so she had to be special.

All our guests wished Ron and cheeku happy birthday and gave them gifts.But there was also an unwanted guest present in the party to whom all of them didn't had any information.

He came forward to give the gift to cheeku but Ron caught his hand and twisted it in such a way that his all bones presented in his hand broke instantly.

All the guests were amazed😳😳😳😳 by seeing the power of a five year old child. but Arnold understand that something was not right and took Ron with himself and asked him in private that why die he do that???

Ron answered him that the man was a intruder who was sent by witches in the party to take cheeku with him.

I was getting ready in my room when I heart some noices from outside of ky room's balcony and I entered in my balcony and listened their talk that they wanted to take cheeku with them .

So I was thinking how to end their plan and by default he himself gave me opportunity by giving gift to cheeku and I twisted his hand.

Sorry papa if I made a mistake to show my powers in front of everyone but for protecting my sister from witches I can do anything to anyone .

I would not tolerate that they will harm my sister.By listening his words arnold felt very proud of his son.

He told him that not to worry about people in the party and he would use his hypnosis powers so that all the guest would forget about that event and enjoyed the party....

Guysss if you all are liking my books than please do give reviews on my book without your reviews I will not be able to get to know about my mistakes during writing.

Thank you