Arrival of new guest

So after all days hardships cheeku and ron returned home with their grand parents.But as soon as they reached home they saw some guests at their home to whom they had never met.

The guests were none other than sister of ana(Gabriella).As soon as she saw them (here them means cheeku and ron)she ran towards them and hugged them tightly.

She hugged them so tightly that both of them started coughing due to lack of oxygen.But Ron told her to let them free as they were not able to breathe properly.

Gabriella was so happy in her own world that she did not notice their uncomfortable ness by her hug.Ron and cheeku ran towards their mother and and asked from her,''mom,mom who is she?''She hugged us so tightly that we could not even breathe properly mom.

Ana smiled by their complaint and pulled their cheeks and told them that she is your aunt gabriella she specially came to human world from werewolf world to meet you both.

As you both are the future heirs of the vampire and werewolf world.Ron's face darkened by listening about the vampire and werewolf world as he was aware about the enemies who were waiting for them in that world.So he abruptly replied to her mother that we were not going to conquer the throne of that world which had taken our dear ones away from us.

Ana became emotional by listening her words but she did not reply to him anything as she thought aa time will pass both of them will learn about their importance to that world.

Gabriella was listening their talks while standing at the door of the kitchen and she came in the kitchen and hold both of their hands and gifted them the pendants which was given to her by their parents at the time of their death.Ana instantly identified those pendants and became emotional as those pendants were the last token of love from their parents to their grandchildren.

She came closer to three of them and sat on her knees and put both pendants around the neck of Ron and cheeku.Ron and cheeku had never saw their mother this they asked in unison,''mom,Is this pendant so important for you?''

Ana replied,''yes my children these pendants were tbe last token of love from your maternal grandparents as both of them died in a war with the witches for saving our world from them.''

Ron took pledge in his heart that in future he is going to avenge the death of both of his grandparents.

After this all went to the dining table and started eating their lunch with their new guest.The day spent peacefully and all slept in their room.

But they all dont know that to whom they are thinking is a wellwisher of them.she is not a well wisher.

Gabriella went to her room after locking the room she started using the dark magic she lit many candles and started chanting some magical words from her mouth.Soon after sometime a black fog emerges from the candles which spreaded in all the house instantly and made all the people in the house fell into deep sleep.

After some time she unlocked the door of her room and went towards the room of ron and cheeku.But when she entered in their room she saw that cheeku was awake and her pupils were dark red like blood oozes in her eyes.She is looking like a real devil.By seeing her appearance gabriella was horrified as she had never seen such a horrific scene in her whole life.

Cheeku slowly went towards her and started using her powers on her she lifted her up in the air by using just her forefinger and asked her in a terrific tone,''who are you?,who send you here to my house?,why you want to harm my family members?''

By listening all her questions Gabriella became stunned that how can a child of fiver years could speak so clearly and so many thins instantly.

By not getting response from her aunt she used her more powers and create a water pool of chilling cold water in her room and start dipping gabriella in that freezing cold water.Gabriella was shivering due to coldness of water but after being continuously tortured by her for a longer period of time she did not open her mouth to give the answer of Cheeku's questions.

Cheeku became hell angry😡😡😡😡 and she splashed cold water on ron.Ron got startled by this sudden shower of cold water and he get up instantly from his sleep.

But he became shocked by seeing the scene in front of his eyes.

Author note

so what you think what ron saw that he become shocked by seeing the scene...