Exposure of truth from past

Gabriella was laughing maniaclly.But here her sister anna is hell worried by looking her sister's mad behaviour as she did not understand what was going with her that she is laughing like this.

Gabriella stopped laughing and told her anna that its all because of you that I did not get love of our parents.Its happened all because of you that I did not get love of my life.

After you were borned my whole attention were left and all started loving you more than me.

I just hated you from the time when you was born.

Dont you remember that once you went drown in the albatross lake which was just beside our palace.

All thought that your leg slipped on that rock but no one knows that it was me who pushed you in that lake.I wanted from the starting to kill you but at that time a boy jumped for you in that lake and saved you.

You did not remember his face as you was only three years old at that time.But I remembered him because I instantly fell.in love with him at that time.

Do you wanna know who was that guy?

Who had saved you on that day? So let me tell you a secret it was not rehan.But it was ron who have saved you that day from drowning in the lake.

I always wished that after getting to know about Rehan you will be fell into love with him.

But happened just its opposite,That idiot fell in love with you and he did not want to break your trust so he just move aside from your life.

I also had to killed him because he received me by felling into love with you.

It was all because of your innocence and charm that attracted all men.But why this happened with me.

The person I loved since my childhood is none other than your husband Ron.He was my first and last love.

I hid all these years about you from him so that he would also love me but like this did not happen in my life.I was very angry on you at that time that he also loved you.

So I planned to kill you again.You remember once there was peanuts in you food and you could not eat anything made of peanuts because you were allergic of it.But it was me who had put those peanuts in your meal as I wanted you to suffer from great pain and died instantly.

But you again got saved at that time.I always wished that your was never born and came in my life.

Cheeku was patiently listening her words but when she listened that her aunt wanted to kill.her mother.

She used her powers and made an invisible hand to choke her neck and showed her that how it felt when somebody tried to kill someone else.

Gabriella was panting heavily when cheeku left her throat and roared angrily now you aunt cruella experienced how it feels when someone was killed.

Gabriella just watched her with wide eyes how a mere child who is just five years can control her powers so efficiently.

Anna saw a sinister smile to her sister that they are not some ordinary kids they both are a mixed breed of vampire and a werewolf so their powers are extraordinary.They will kill anyone for their family .

Now you bit..... tell me what is the reason you came here to harm my family.I thought that you will mend your previous mistakes and lived a happy life by living with us.

But no you are still same like you were before.

it is saying that don't judge a book by its cover.

same goes for you.

You butter us with your sweet talks so that we could let you live with us so that you can harm me and my kids.

But you forgot that my kids are not some ordinary kids which could be killed by just this mere spell of yours.Maybe you forgot that when witches attacked on us it was them who had absorbed all of their negatives powers in them when they was not born . they were just in my womb at that time.

Gabriella started sweating after listening about her nephew and niece powers but she did not show this to anyone.

She again started laughing like a maniac as she knows that she is going to die whether by them or by those witches because of whom she got this much power to attack on the alpha of vampire kingdom.

Anna again asked her sister tell.me.with whose support you have got to guts to come to us and thought about harming us.

Gabriella mocked on her sister words and laughed and said who is your sister?

You still believe that I have ever accept you as my sister.You were always a throne in my way.i will never forgive what you have done with me in.your whole life.