Plans. 2.

For the next 7 days I suffered through that burning pain. Due to being in the jade immortal realm where time was 1/100 I wouldn't have to worry about anyone coming to look for me.

The water from the pond helped sooth some of the pain.

It indeed taught me a lesson though. Not to bite off more than I can chew.

I'm pretty sure after all the evolving I passed out and had no idea how long I slept.

When I woke up however I was absolutely bursting with energy. Must be the Uzumaki thing.

I quickly scoop up some water but freeze when I see my eyes.

They are a very light purple color. They have the familiar rinnegan ripples and a single tomoe.

"So I awakened the rinnesharingan? But it doesn't feel right? Perhaps I need to train it?" I murmur drinking in some more of the water. I'll worry about it later. At least I doubt I have to worry about going blind I hope.

Looking around the area jade immortal realm it's not very big honestly.

"The jade immortal realm has been changed to fit your needs." I hear the cloud god say in my mind.

"Huh? What do you mean it's been changed?" Looking around all I see are the pond, a fruit tree with red fruits, the desert fountain and the seed of the bacon tree which I need to plant.

"The first change is the time limit. That has been removed. Next is the upgrade through cultivation. The realm will upgrade through different methods which you will have to find out yourself. Some of the rewards have also been changed. Well that's all you get."

"What do you mean that's all I get?" Sadly the cloud doesn't respond again.

Rude not even answering my questions.

I stand up and stretch my body which has way too much energy now. Like seriously is this what it feels like to be hyperactive and on a sugar rush? No wonder Naruto is so fucking hyper.

I grab up the brown seed on the ground and head over to one of the corners of the realm. It's only about the size of a football field currently. I dig a small hole and drop in the seed before burying it.

I look around the rest of the area. There really is nothing but open space. I grab my goggles off the ground and slip them on my head.

"Gir guard the bacon tree and make sure to water it. I'll be back later." I tell the green dog rolling around on the ground.

He quickly gets up and gives me a little salute. "Sir yes sir!" then drops right back on the ground and starts rolling around again.

I exit the realm and start heading around the compound. I grab some of the spare furniture like tables, bookshelves, chairs, beds, training dummies from outside. Any training manuals and other ninja gear that I just so happened to miss.

"First thing I gotta do is make that space livable then add a training area."

I don't really need food since the water in the pond acts as perfect nutrients and keeps me full and energized. Although just drinking water would be a pain in the ass. Maybe I can grow a garden.

"Doesn't hurt to try. At least until the bacon tree is fully grown." I grab my money and head out for the second time today.

I head towards the Yamanaka flower shop as I figure they might have some fruit and vegetables seeds.

I mean the realm is one of the greatest plant growing items if I recall correctly. Everything planted there grows to be extra delicious and nutritional.

Entering the small flower shop there is just a regular teen girl working at the register. I don't see little Ino anywhere.

"Hello there welcome to the Yamanaka flower shop. Is there anything in particular you are looking for?" She asks politely.

"Yes I'm actually going to be starting a garden. I was hoping to get some fruit and vegetable seeds. You know tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, some herbs for seasonings, melons, cantaloupe, maybe some fruit tree saplings." She nods and quickly gets to work.

"Do you also have gardening tools here by chance?"

"We do would you like me to prepare you a set?" She asks putting packets of labeled seeds into as basket.

"Yes please."

20 minutes later I leave with a large basket of gardening tools and seeds. They didn't currently have any saplings sadly.

But I got everything else I wanted.

I step into an alley and the items all dissappear into the realm.

Next stop is going to be the bookstore along with the blacksmith. It takes me a while to find them.

Browsing around I find a book on herbs and plants along with a true gem.

[Might Guys guide to the perfect body. Includes a diet, pictures of all exercises and tips and tricks to the ultimate youthful body.]

That's what the back of the book says.

The cashier just gives me a funny look when I purchase the book.

Now for my last stop. The blacksmith.

There I put in an order for weights, steel ball bearings, cannon balls, and a few custom orders.

Everything will be delivered to the compound when it's done. I already paid so I don't have to worry about it.

"Guess that's it for the day." I mutter before heading towards the compound I can set up some of the training area and the garden for now. I can let the plants grow while I wait for my ordered items and maybe I can purchase a few other things I've probably forgotten.

The problem is however what to do with Naruto. Ugh that's a big dilemma. Do I train him and make him stronger? Do I leave him as is and let it all go like the original plot? What do I do? Something about leaving a child to suffer like that just rubs me the wrong way. It's child abuse no matter how you look at it.