
Suddenly a bright blue light appeared in front of my face.

[Emergency Fan related quest activated.]

"What the hell? My system didn't have quests?" I mutter looking at the blue screen in front of me.

[Mission save Naruto Uzumaki from a lonely childhood. Give the child a family and help him become a true ninja.

Rewards: ???]

I see a strange flash of light as something fundamentally changes in the realm.

[Realm has been updated to allow others inside. This is due to the recent quest.]

"They want me to kidnap him and keep him here?"

Well there goes all my well thought out plans.

"Dammit." I exit the internal realm as my time is up and it's morning.

I make myself a quick breakfast and start thinking about how to do it.

"I'll just pick him up at the park or at his house." I spoon some cereal into my mouth.

I hope whatever the reward is its worth losing most of my training time.

I can't really be mad since I'm saving a kid from a miserable childhood.

I clean up my dishes and head out of the compound. If I remember correctly Naruto doesn't even know how to correctly clothe himself. I mean who really leaves a 6 year old kid on their own. He practically lives off of ramen and that fucking kill me orange jumpsuit.

I head to the store and start buying some more clothes.

Naruto probably won't wake up until noon or so anyway so I have time to enjoy my shopping.

If I have to train the kid then he sure as hell won't be eating just ramen or wearing orange jumpsuits.

I'm worried though. What will all of this change? Is he going to be staying inside the realm the whole time? What about schooling? His friends?

The more i think about it the more worried I get.

I finish up my shopping and go wait at the park. I sit on one of the benches and read my book on herbs and gardening.

I'm pretty proud of my garden actually. They still need a bit to come in but by the time I enter tonight they should be ready.

Around 2 or so in the aftenoon that's when I heard it.

"The demon child is back."

"Let's go home."

"Remember to stay away from him he's a bad kid."

"I don't know why the hokage doesn't just kill the little demon spawn."

Sure enough Naruto had arrived. Looking at him closely this time I can see he's extremely scrawny for a child, his clothes are dirty, he looks absolutely pitiful.

He searches around for some friends to play with but every time he comes close the parents pull their kids away or scare him off.

I watch this for about 20 minutes honestly it's sickening.

Around this time he actually catches sight of me and walks over eagerly.

"Hey my name is Naruto do you want to play?" He asks hopefully.

"Sure but I've got something to show you so follow me." I respond with a smile while heading towards the woods.

He eagerly follows behind me.

Honestly aren't you supposed to not follow people into the woods? Jeez.

Once we are out if sight of the adults I turn towards him.

"You want to see a cool secret?" I ask and he perks up even more nodding his head.

I reach out and grab his shoulder before we both vanish into the realm.

[Mission part one complete. Part two of the quest has been started rewards have been issued.]

There is a flash as two pure white crystals appear in my hands.

[Mission part two extract the souls of Minato Namikaze, and Kushina Uzumaki from Naruto and put them in the soul orb.]

Eh? Extract the souls?

Suddenly it clicks into my mind. I have access to a rinnegan well a mutated one. But one of the abilities of the rinnegan is to extract souls.

"Woah this place is amazing! Where are we? Is that chocolate coming out of that fountain? Why is that dog green?" Naruto starts spewing out questions.

"Wait before that come here for a second." I wave him over.

I put my hand on his shoulder again and try to imagine extracting souls. Sure enough there are multiple souls inside of him.

A large overbearing one, a small child like one, an adult one and what appears to be a fractured one.

I grab the adult one and the fracture one and pour them into the two white gems.

[Mission two complete mission. Rewards have been issued. Mission three start.]

Suddenly two pure white bodies appear.

[Mission three. Revive Minato and Kushina. Simply push the soul orbs into the dolls.]

I follow the instructions and there's a blinding flash of light.

After the light dies down standing in front of me is a young blonde haired man and a red haired woman looking around in confusion.

[Mission complete. Issuing rewards.]

The whole realm rumbles and expands.

[Combining Sky poison pearl, Gate of Babylon, Jade immortal realm and inventory. Immortal Realm of Babylon created.]

My face scrunched up at that.

I already fucking owned them all what's the point of stuffing them all together? Is that a nerf? Is it actually beneficial? Did I just get rewarded with the shit I already own?

"Son of a bitch! I got cheated!" I shout stomping around the area angrily.

The duo of newly revived parents are looking at me in confusion until they spot Naruto.

All I caught was a blur of red hair as she rushed the poor kid scooping him up in a hug much to his confusion.

What would follow would be a very confusing conversation that would lead to a very happy Naruto and a couple of very pissed off parents.

I mean it's not everyday you find out the village you left your child to and used your life and soul to save abused your child to the point he was even kicked out of the orphanage.