Ten steps ahead.

With my future knowledge and the knowledge Minato has of the elemental nations or whatever they are called I can easily get some work done discretely.

Apparently one of the rewards for my mission was a few changes in the realm. One being I can open up a portal and see outside of it. The other being I can change the time dilation. I can't increase it currently but I can decrease it to normal speeds.

I let Minato and Kushina out and they started gathering up supplies and setting my plans in motion. It didn't take more than an hour for them to bring back sealed scrolls full of items for themselves. I wasn't going to take anything from them I just didn't want other getting a hold of those resources not to mention the Uzumaki masks are dangerous items.

Kushina would be staying with me and Naruto and working on training us while Minato would be heading out of the village on a mission I entrusted him.

First order of business.

"Kushina can you teach me shadow clones? I want to use them for training." I say eagerly.

"Sure however even if you have Uzumaki healing factor the maximum amount of clones you can summon for long periods of time is 5. If not you will probably end up with brain damage. Since you have an eye bloodline that effects your memory that might also work for or against you." She warns me.

So was the reason Naruto could use so many probably from the 9 tailed fox helping regenerate his brain?

Is that why he was so retarded afterwards? No maybe he was just always like that.

Oh well 5 is better than none.

I nod and she quickly starts teaching me. It doesn't take more than a few hours before I've got it perfect.

I have my clones rush off to start different tasks. I'll renew them every couple of hours. 1 works on Chakra Control, 1 practices taijutsu, 1 reads ninjutsu scrolls, 1 starts kenjutsu, and 1 will be learning the basics for the academy.

Meanwhile I start working on body training since clones can't do that. I memorized all the routines from Guy's Book. He was a monster in human skin when it came to hand to hand combat. I'll learn everything I can.

I mean it's not like I can really do much else with my child like body. I'll leave it to the Adults for now.

After about a week at regular speed there was a yellow flash of light. Teleporting is so useful I'll see if Minato can teach me that shit.

He was out searching for people I had designated as bloodline weilders. Once he found one he would Teleport back pick me up and then we would be off I would quickly scan the person and we would leave.

I had managed to get Lava, Sand, Gold, Ice, Steel, and quite a few others. Due to the sand village being so close and mist having the bloodline rebellion going on. Not to mention he easily knew where the rock village was. Having participated in a war against it long ago.

That was the mission I had given him. I would have loved to have snagged myself some jinchuriki of the tailed beasts but that can wait until later on.

The reason I was having him get bloodlines was because for each one I absorbed it felt like I would get a little bit stronger.

After getting all the ones he and I know about its finally time to settle down and train. I mean this is the dude that trained Kakashi, Personally trained by Jiraiya.

It's 10 times easier to learn from a teacher than to learn through self-study. He was easily able to point out any flaws in my form. It was much easier for me to learn from him than kushina.

I learned this the hard way trying to get information about jutsu and learning the adamantine chains of the Uzumaki.

"Well its not really an ability it's more like a feeling. There is a woosh and a glow and then they just pop out." She explained but didn't at the same time.

Naruto got it.

Meanwhile it was explained much easier to me through Minato.

Don't get me wrong kushina was a great teacher. In practical lessons. Things like kenjutsu and seals which we took to like fish in water were easy for her to explain.

Feeling Chakra and how to control it was like talking to a muscle brained idiot though.

She was about as subtle as an explosion and just as gentle. The barbaric woman beat me and poor Naruto into the ground on a daily basis with sparring exercises. She took over the physical while Minato dealt with things like ninjutsu, tracking, basic schooling, it was like she was a hyper aggressive gym teacher who punches you.

"I don't know if it counts as child abuse when they are beating skills into you physically." Maybe it's from being from modern society who knows.

I also didn't really feel like I was part of the group you know? I was an adult in a kids body, I also wasn't really their son or anything and they spent most of their time getting to know Naruto. I spent my time studying and practicing skills when I wasn't being taught by the adults.

Sadly they things didn't last that way very long.

Minato came to find me one day. "Me and Kushina aren't going to be staying in the realm with you. We will be staying at the Namikaze compound with Naruto."

"Huh? What for?" I ask curiously.

"We want Naruto to grow up. He needs to be able to grow properly. I wouldn't want any adverse effects to happen to his mind due to time dilation. You should also be worried about this. Don't you want to grow up?" He asks with a bit of worry.

Ah the whole I'm adult trapped in a child's body thing. Plus I'm pretty sure they would want to be intimate with each other too.

"I understand. You guys can just meet me at the Uchiha compound each morning for training in the realm then. We can do it at normal speed." I guess I'll be going back to solo training.

"We don't mind training with you in the realm individually. It's just we don't want Naruto to do it." Minato clears up. "We have been needing to get used to our new bodies anyway. So when Naruto is asleep I'll drop by and train you personally. Since I doubt you could drag Kushina away from him."

She was indeed a doting mother and what she saw in the village pissed her off greatly.