Bloody Conversation

Emmett took his time walking in the hallways. He kept on looking for Emerelda, there was no way she could have escaped that fast. Unless she was hiding in a room, which was what Emmett was looking in for. He opened every door that was open and all were empty.

He was on the second floor, where the staircase that leads downstairs to the main floor and dining room was a few doors back. Those who came here left and looked were now downstairs. Emmett could use his gift however, he had other matters to attend… and something cought his eyes.

He turned the knob and opened a door that was a guest bedroom. He quickly looked in and saw someone pointing a dagger at him. Emmett frowns and smiles. He steps in and closed the door. The person was shorter then he was. It was a boy, about two years younger than he was, perhaps seventeen? He had dark brown hair, the color of a tree bark. His eyes were a deep midnight blue, blue like the expensive sapphire rings worn by man and women. He was dressed in a white shirt; sleeves rolled exposing lean muscles, with black trousers.

Calling him a boy was not suitable.

Emmett raised an eyebrow, "Hello Julius."

Julius frowns, "How'd you know my name?"

Emmett waves a hand, "Please, Julius Thomas, your Father can't keep any secrets."

He glares at Emmett, "What do you want, why are you really here?"

Emmett pulls a long sword that was strapped behind his back under his shirt, "It's simple really," he stretched his arm admiring the long sword under the evening sun, "I have business to take care of."

Julius snorts, "Don't bother spouting nonsense, you don't have time to waste."

"That is correct, I'll remove anyone who is in my way," Emmett moved the sword and Julius stumbles back, fear in his eyes, "Oh, don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Julius held his dagger with both hands tight, "Answer me!"

Emmett dropped the sword and raised both arms walking towards him, "Alright, alright, I supposed you would keep my secret." He looks down at him. He wasn't as short as what Emmett thought. His head reached right at Emmett's nose. Emmett removed his hand from the dagger and starts positioning the dagger in Julius hands, "I came to accomplish a task, and know exactly who precipitated is in this little…arrangement."

Julius frowns watching his hands being moved, "I'm sure you would know, I don't understand why you are faking through this all when at the end of the day you want one thing."

Emmett release both of his hands and the dagger was pointed at his throat with one of Julius arm holding the hilt of it correctly. It wasn't twisted in such a way from before. "I don't understand why you're faking this act as well." Emmett grins, repeating his words in a low voice.

Julius didn't react. Voices started filling the hallways, with the sound of doors being slammed open. Emmett looks back and sighed, "Here they are." He looks back at Julius, "Did you perhaps plan this all?"

He said nothing.

"I see." He backs away from Julius, "Another matter to take care of."

Emmett picks up his sword and glanced at the huge wardrobe that sat by the wall behind him, "I'll see you soon enough." He smiles back at Julius, "Excuse me."

Emmett opens the door and Kent was the first one to see him. He was accompanied with other members, except for Mr. Thomas, Mr. Leonard, and Niko. Emmett turned his head and winks at Julius before closing the door. He stretched and all of them stood watching, cautious. Some held pistols, others held daggers. Emmett had a long sword.

"Well gentleman, such a pleasure to meet you."

Michael frowns, "You- you look just-"

Emmett waves his sword and they all flinched, "Oh no, please I truly don't want to hear it."

Kent glares and steps forward with his pistol, "Who do you work for?"

Emmett shrugs, "Me, myself, and certainly I."

Kent's lips curled, "Why you!" he raised his pistol and the same second he was on the ground.

They all looked down horridly at Kent's throat slit, blood gushing out pouring immensely onto poor Mr. Thomas's Persian carpet. Emmett sighs shaking his head, "Poor thing." he said disappointly at the carpet.

He used his gift and one by one he went towards them with his sword. Using the gift took lots of concentration. He had to focus on the amount of speed he was willing to go for. He'd tested his gift in the past. He went far where everyone moved slower than a snail. It didn't last as he passed out in the middle of the bar he was at. He blamed the alcohol. He never tried again.

Except when that bastard shot at Emerelda that night.

Emmett didn't hesitate and used his gift so fast, he watched the bullet move towards him in slow motion. It was as if it moved in jam. Time was under his control in his world. His heart almost stopped from his gift, or his fear of her getting hurt. He almost did pass out when they walked away from the fallen man, although Emmett covered that all while faking to be drunk.

His flask that night had nothing inside. Not even one drop. He had lied for her reaction. He was also curious on how Emerelda would react to his drunken state. Which turned out to be hilarious, and…caring. Without hesitation she supported him to the very end and took care of him as much as she could.

Currently while killing everyone here, his vision was clear, not blurry as most thought. He could see almost everything, every move. To him he was moving perfectly fine, those around him were moving too slowly. Emmett danced around slicing their throats to let them bleed to death. Each fell one by one and Emmett's hands, clothing, and face was covered in their blood.

Once everyone started dying slowly on the ground, Emmett stepped over them and whistled his way out of the hallway to look for a way to the roof.

He stood watching Garlin ahead of him. The manor wasn't as tall as he thought, but tall enough to almost see the top of the Golden Gates of Garlin. The wind was strong here, making his hair move wildly around his face.

The touch of Emerelda's fingers touching his hair washed over him.

He wiped his sword with his handkerchief with extra force to stop thinking of her soft long fingers. The white cotton fabric was soaked and crimson from the blood of the Judas Group.

"You surely have no way to kill cleanly." Someone said behind him.

Emmett laughs and said, "Elliot. What a surprise." He turns around to see his long, lost, old friend.

Elliot was the same height as Julius, perhaps shorter, although his height didn't affect his skills in the field when needed. Elliot was a silent guy, his hair was darker than Emmet's. Under the setting sun, not a single brown color showed through the darkness of his hair, like the shade of a crow's feather. It was styled in an odd way which made many wondered why he let his hair grow the way it was. Bangs long enough covered his eyes. Emmett knew someone who once called his bangs curtains. Curtains that covered his windows of his emotions eyes (though he had none). The underneath of the top of his hair shorter, the same person also called it an under cut. He remembered thier conversation when he started to cut his hair the way it was.

"I say it's an odd cut, what on earth came upon you to cut it like so?" Emmet's father asked.

Elliot as usual, said nothing.

The person they both knew had said "Bangs that covers windows of his emotions. And an undercut that explains the shortness of his hair where he had cut it."

His father, as usual, nodded in agreement and with pride, "Wouldn't have said it any better."

Elliot had dull grey eyes, which held nothing but boredom in them. His eyes were the steel color of old metal.

He was wearing a long cape with a grey shirt underneath. He was looking down at Emmett's hands then his sword, "You disgust me." He said. His voice was forever low, quiet, and blunt.

Emmett laughs, "I'll wash up by the small pond behind the manor."

"You had to kill them all?"

Emmett shrugs, "They knew. I didn't want them to spread a rumor."

His eyes went bellow the manor then back at him, "Rumors would be spread."

Emmett looks back and saw Emerelda turning out of the gates of the manor. She was such a small thing; she looked almost like a child. If it wasn't her serious walk, Emmett would have mistaken her as a child working as a maid.

"Well, I was buying time as long as I could."

Elliot wasn't convinced, "You were told too, weren't you?"

Emmett sighs, "I might have bumped into your father. He didn't want them anymore and someone had to do it."

"What was it that he would give in return?"

Emmett looks back at Emerelda who was waiting near the gates outside. She kept looking back rocking on her heels back and forth.

"What she needs."

Elliot said nothing and Emmett turns back. Elliot was staring at Emerelda with unreadable eyes. "Hmm." He murmurs.

Emmett points his sword at Elliot's throat. His eyes slowly turned to Emmett. Emmett raised his eyebrows, "Why use the man of the manor's child?"

With no emotion he said, "I simply wanted to know what you'd do."

"You shouldn't have hid in the wardrobe." Emmett pouted.

He didn't look surprised, "I had to follow you. The only way to talk with was to hid, wait for those bastards to come in your path and leave no witness. Besides I wanted to see what you'd do to Julius."

Emmett chuckles "I wasn't going to kill the boy. He's train as well as I am. His act to look like an innocent, helpless, boy was amusing." Emmett digs the sword deeper, "You placed him there to send a message. And… you wanted him there to make sure everyone else believed you."

Elliot's face didn't change, "And what was that I wanted everyone to believe me in?"

Emmett tilts his head, "You wanted everyone to make sure I was back in action. I was cooperating. That I am here in Garlin."

Elliot blinks, the bored look never wavering, "You might as well have the gift of that annoying little shit, Vivian."

He grins, "We all fancy Vivian, don't we?"

Elliot rolled his eyes, "How long do you plan to make me flinch with your sword?"

Emmett removes his sword from his throat and sighs, "I wanted to see how long your face breaks."


"Never mind, I supposed we are done here Elliot. You got your answers, your father got what he wanted, and I'll leave with peace. Farewell, and until next time, I'll be the one to come back to you."

Elliot crossed his arms, "Stop bothering my officers. I can't always clean up your mess."

Emmett backs away from him and to the window he had climbed up with, "Either you enjoy it or hate it with every fiber in your body, you would always clean my mess."

"Because you are a ruthless bastard who cares nothing more but their desires and goals, someone must make sure the world doesn't go in flames behind the path you walked on."

Emmett smirks, "And what would that make of you?"

Elliott turned his back on him, pulling his hood up, "A friend."

"Well friend, I'll see you soon enough. Pass my greetings to your papa Leonard."

Vivian went upstairs to the chaos Emmett left behind. The smell of blood was strong in the air, and the heavy aura that indicated of death was making the whole manor stir uneasily. Vivian finally arrived to the other end of the hallway and saw the bodies.

All the members of the Judas group dead.

Vivian slowly smiles and made his way towards it. Blood stick to the walls, wood, and the carpet soaked. His fine, polished, black shoes stepped into the drying blood and his leg lift over the bodies. All their throats were slit, the style used by the Midnight Assassin.

He looked at each faces; most were familiar he saw at events back at England, others most likely from Garlin. He made his way across the fallen bodies, and a few steps ahead were what Vivian came for.

Mr. Chester laid eyes wide staring above. As promised, he was dying but very much alive. He was struggling for air, his abdomen sprouting out blood with alarming sped. He was chocking, and coughing trying to turn on his body to crawl away. Vivian didn't let that happen, he stepped down at the wound and Mr. Chester screams.

"My mistake, did that perhaps hurt?"

Mr. Chester's eyes slowly turned to Vivian's face that was looking down at him. His eyes stared back with fear. "You all…" he coughs, choking out, "You all are together. You all are monsters."

Vivian grins and slowly reaching inside his coat, taking his dagger that he hid from him for many months. It was long, the hilt black with a black stone placed at the end of the hilt. "That isn't a lie, Mr. Chester. We are all monsters, yes, but we are all monsters to those who get in our way from achieving our goals."

Mr. Chester starts shaking his head, "N-no… no..." he pleads.

Vivian positioned his dagger in his hands, "I remember never pleading to you. How pathetic." He raised his hands, "Somnus bene"

He brought his dagger down.