High Status

"Wait!" Finneas called, "Hold on!"

Emmett and Emerelda both stopped walking from the café and turned to look at Finneas who ran up to them. He stops and cleared his throat, "I'll come."

Both Emerelda and Emmett smiled pleased.

Before Emmett left the kitchen, Emmett went back to Finneas and told him to come to him. He had refused and Emmett left it at that.

"But I first must show you something."

Both Emerelda and Emmett looked at each other with a frown and followed him back to the café. They went back to the kitchen. Rose was nowhere in sight, Emerelda was glad. She didn't want to see the pain in her eyes again.

Finneas opens the thick door and they both ascended down bellow. The underground was quiet and only a few lights filled the place. There wasn't anyone else in sight as they followed to the room Mr. Thomas was in.