
Julius sat at the balcony staring down at Luther and Emerelda lying on the soft grass. He watched how easily they were to communicate, how easily Emerelda made him slightly smile at a time like this. They looked perfect together.

"Julius." Vivian said behind. He knew it was Vivian, he was sure he's the only one who had memorized his voice.

Julius didn't turn back. Vivian sat on the other side of the small round table. Julius didn't dare look at him. If he did, he'll have cried.

"I didn't get to say how thankful I am for him."

"Julius…we never know when someone we love would leave us. And it is something we feel guilty of."

"I should have spoken up when he was around."

"Don't blame yourself."

"His gone." Julius ignored him and continued, "His gone and I can't even see his ghost because the body was taken away."