
Emerelda decided to stay. Elliot was already gone as she stood right outside the door. She wanted to see Niko though she had to make sure Emmett isn't at fault. She turned on her back and slowly made her way to the drawing room, the only room that seemed at ease to sit in without interrupting the mourning family.

The door was wide open and she was startled to see Vivian. He sat on the single sofa looking crossed about something. He was glaring ahead drinking the alcohol in his small glass. Emerelda swiftly came over from behind to take it from his hand.

He didn't let go, "No." he said.

She sighed, "You know how terrible this addiction is for you, you're far too young."

"And you're far to annoying." He snapped.

Emerelda lets go of the glass a little hurt, "I'm sorry."