
Emmett made his way through the crowd as the music was loud in his ears. He had his top hat pulled down his eyes while he looked down. He slowly went to the door of Mr. Thomas and turned the knob. He froze.

"Bounty, what bounty?" he heard Emerelda's voice, "Where did you get that information?"

It was obviously hers, Emmett knew that well enough. 

"That is why I was here," he heard another voice, with an Italian accent, "I wanted to tell Thomas of the bounty. These group of people in the underworld said that you did not leave to Scotland, you ran away. They want you dead."

"Who are this group of people?" Emerelda demands

He replies, "The Judas Group."

Emmett frowns. Odd, the Judas group were all dead unless…

He waited for a minute to be sure.

Finally, he turns around and slowly made his way out of the little hub.