Human Behavior

"Niko!" someone calls behind her.

Niko turns and saw Elisha speeding towards her from the dining room. Niko stops in the foyer waiting. Elisha took her hand and they went out the doors, down the stairs, and to the carriage Niko came from.

Elisha lets go of her hand and looks around to confirm their alone presence. Niko held her hands together and waits.

"I came to apologize for my behavior."


Elisha's eyes turned sad, "I truly do Niko. I- I didn't know what to do at that moment. You see, I was trying to control myself before-"

She couldn't finish.

"I understand," Niko says, "We should leave it at the past."

"I can't." Elisha shook her head, "I can't stop thinking of you and…everything. Especially after what you have been through, how cruel of me to act as I did."

"I'm alright, no need to sympathize me."

"I'm not. I'm simply caring for you."

"Thank you."