Body and Qi Cultivation Realms

Body Cultivation:

• Body Modification {10 Phases}

- Skin Enhancement (Low, Mid, High)

- Muscle Hardening (Low, Mid, High)

- Golden Flowing Blood (Low, Mid, High)

- Bones of Steel (Low, Mid, High)

- Hawk Eyes

- Sensitive Hearing

- Beastial Smell

- Spirit of the Heart

(Undefinite Spirit, Spirit Forming, Flowing Spirit, Spirit Enveloping)

- Perfect Sense Unity (Inept, Adept, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, Master, Grandmaster, Sage)

- Perfect Holy/Demonic Body

• Soul Modification

- Soul Forming (Low, Mid, High)

- Soul Enhancing (Low, Mid, High)

- Soul Augmentation

- Soul Vein

- One with the Soul (Sage, Saint, Prophet, Demi-God, God)

• Perfect Unification

- Body and Soul Converging

- Body and Soul Stabilizing

- Body and Soul Unification

- Body and Soul Perfect Unification

- Body and Soul Reborn

Qi Cultivation:

• Qi Gathering {5 Stages}

• Qi Refining {5 Stages}

• Qi Materialization Stage (Low, Mid, High)

• Merdian Opening Stage {16 Meridians}

• Element Awakening Stage:

- Basic Elements

(Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, Dark, Metal, Lightning, Space, Nature)

- Advanced Elements

(Astral, Plasma, Magma, Smoke, Thunder, Cyclone, Summoning, Holy)

- Legendary Elements

(Divine Flame, Divine Earth, Divine Thunder, Revitalization, Universal, Divine Cyclone, Heavenly Metal, Divine Wind, Heavenly Light, Void)

• Dantian Formation Stages {3 Stages}

• Mind Augmentation Realm

• Spirit Forming Realm {2 Stages}

• Spirit Materialization (Low, Mid, High)

• Gentle Spirit Sea Realm

• Aura Enveloping Realm

• Venerable Realm

• Heavenly Venerable Realm

• Sage Realm

• Saint Realm

**Cultivation Realms beyond this stage are mostly found in the upper Domains**

• Prophet Realm

• Half-Immortal Realm {Does not Age, But still has the possibility to die other than being killed using a God Energy. For example Demon Energy or A Saint Realm Beast}

• Immortal Realm {Does not Age, One does also not die in this stage except when facing another Immortal Realm cultivator or a Cluster of Half-Immortal Realm Cultivator using God Energy}

• Nirvana Realm {Reincarnation upon Death}

**Cultivation Realms beyond this will enable one to immediately soar up to the Heavenly Domain (A.K.A God Domain)**

• Demi-God Realm {Reincarnation and Almost Impossible to kill}

• God Realm {Straight to the God Domain if one does manage to achieve this stage no matter which domain managed to climbed up to the ranks and also can live forever without having any fear of death}

• Elder God Realm {???}