The elevator opened its door and Jin Fu slid his body out of it.
When seeing the confidant of the boss, the men of the Sunflower Gang that were guarding before the elevator greet and the young guy smiled at them.
"Good night," he said.
With this word, everyone looked at each other. They were like guards before the boss's office door, they felt that this man was a different person in this gang.
However, Jin Fu did not care; he walked toward his own room. As he approached it, a ring tune appeared from inside his jean pocket.
'It must be Black Centipede.' Jin Fu thought, then he took the phone out of his pocket.
"He Hua," he exclaimed when he saw the name showing on his phone screen. He clicked, accepting, "Hello."
"Have you arrived?" Voice of He Hua.
"I almost arrived at my room," Jin Fu said and he continued walking towards his door.
"I already told you to come to sleep in my room," He Hua stated.
"I remember," Jin Fu said. As his feet reached in front of his door room, he took his key to lock while his ears and mouth were attached with the phone, "I take bath and change clothes first. Then I come to your room. Okay?"
Without waiting, as he arrived inside his room, he went into the bathroom and cleaned his body. His hair also was washed.
At nights, he liked to wear a bathrobe as his sleeping wears, also tonight it was no exception; he went out of his room and strolled towards his boss's room within the bathrobe wrapping his body.
Because his room was next to the boss's room, the two door guards could see him since he left his door, and they opened the door for him in advance.
Just as they made out the way the companion of the gang's boss dressed up and walked, they felt a little surprised and awkward.
Though the singular staff didn't even care about other's eyes. He walked in with an opening chest bathrobe, white slipper, holding toothpaste and toothbrush in right hand and short glass in left hand.
Before he stepped into the room, he spoke to the guards with a smile, "Thank you. Good night."
He Hua just got out of the bathroom, and Jin Fu was just arriving in his room.
Not different, the boss wore the white bathrobe above knee length as his sleeping dress.
"You walk out with this dress?" The head-man asked with his eyebrows narrowed when perceiving the dress of his companion.
"Uh huh." Jin Fu nodded. "Why?"
"Nothing.. but why do you take these?" He Hua pointed to teeth cleaning materials. "You have not yet brushed your teeth?"
"I did already. I take it for tomorrow morning."
"Tomorrow, you go to your room to dress, then you can brush your teeth there. Why do you need to bring it here?"
"I don't want to make the guards faint when I get out of your room and say good morning to them."
He Hua rolled his eyes after hearing. This man was so weird in this gang. But the boss felt he liked his weirdness. He scanned his wardrobe; it was a mid length robe.
"Do you wear underwear?"
The companion did not say a word. Instead, he separated the below part of his robe showing to his director.
"Huh," the old guy yelled and escaped his face.
The attitude of his companion made him shake his head.
He wondered how he dared doing this - wearing bathrobe and walking out of the room without wearing underwear, moreover, he was agressive to show it to him.
This guy was really really stupid among stupid men he ever met.
"Put your things in the bathroom," He Hua said, then he walked to the bed.
The young companion did not speak a word, he directed into the bathroom then placed his belongings next to his patron's.
When he got out, he found his boss sleeping on his stomach on the bed. At that time, he reminded of what Black Centipede told him. Then he climbed up the bed and crawled close to his boss and put his hands above his shoulders.
"What are you doing?" He Hua said.
"Massage," Jin Fu stated as his hands press on the boss's shoulders.
"No need."
He Hua wanted to get up, but Jin Fu pressed him to sleep back and said, "Stay. I will massage you."
Without knowing why the boss of Sunflower did not reject. He made his body on the mattress, pulled the pillow to place underneath his chest and stayed still.
It was a very best relaxing time.
Over the back, from shoulders to waists, the gang's director felt the young guy was good like skillful masseur - his strength was average and he pressed fingers on the right spots, especially when he knead the waists' part. He pressed thumbs on the middle then he moved slowly to the sides and as he did this, he clicked his thumbs, as well, over the painful places causing the elder director to open lips and whined very long, "Ugh…"
Hearing that, the young masseur spoke, "Your waists's veins have many pieces. That's why you are painful. I am kneading to break those pieces."
The middle aged man did not say. He exhaled and adjusted the pillow beneath his face.
"Do you have lotion?" Jin Fu asked.
"I don't use lotion," He Hua said. "I have only balm."
"Where is it?"
"Why do you want it?"
"Just tell me where it is."
"Perhaps in the drawer of the nightstand."
The young man moved towards the nightstand on his right. There were three drawers, and Jin Fu checked the above drawer. Inside, he found a box of first aid. He thought there would have no balm in this box so he closed it and wished to check the second drawer but He Hua told, "Check inside that box."
And the man opened and searched.
"I don't see a balm," he said.
"Check one by one," He Hua told.
As he followed his boss's instruction, he found the balm.
"I've got it," he said happily - because it was his first time finding things by himself. Mostly, he couldn't find the object he was searching for - Wen Yi or Qing Qing was person helping him.
This clumsy point, He Hua already knew. Staying with him for a several day, he saw clearly about him.
After finding the cream, Jin Fu returned to his patron and quickly caught his sweep of his robe.
It was a surprise for the boss of the gang. He hurriedly put his palm on the robe and said, "What do you want to do?"
"I want to apply balm on your waists. It is more effective than dry massage," Jin Fu told.
"Oh." The boss nodded, then he released his hand and went back to rest his face on the pillow.
Actually, he knew that massage with balm or lotion was good. He was a regular customer at the massage store, how could he did not know it. But last moment, he was little bit excited as he sensed Jin Fu wanted to lift his robe.
It was a quite strange that He Hua did not understand himself too. Everytime he stayed with Jin Fu, he was bashful and he did not dare to expose his meat. Like this time, because he did not wear underwear - he felt shy to let his officer see his backside. He did not want to, but he thought that if he rejected, his worker would doubt him; hence he had to bear in his mind allowing his staff to view the full size of his buttocks.
As for the young masseur, he did not feel or notice anything. He got small of the balm cream to apply on the waists of his director then he climbed to sit on his thighs and rubbed and knead like he had done before.
With the fragrance and warmth from the balm including the kneading strength of the young masseur made He Hua relieved.
While the sleeping guy was enjoying the good time, the sitting worker was having a small hard time. To massage his master, he sat with his knees bending. This caused stress to his joints and he felt a little bit hurt.
"Oh my legs," he said, then he changed to stride sitting.
With such a pose, the tip of his pecker unintentionally touched the weak spot of the gang's boss. As he moved his body following his hands' moving, his johnson also swayed its tip around and sometimes it met with the hole of his patron that stayed between the thighs making the boss's mind unrest.
"Enough," He Hua called.
"Okay," Jin Fu stated.
Before he quitted, he rubbed the waists for a few time; after that, he got off.
He Hua hurriedly rotated to sleep on his back and adjusted his robe and said, "Wash your hands."
"Uh huh."
After returning from the bathroom, Jin Fu jumped to stay on the left of the gang's head.
"Have you ever studied massage?" He Hua asked.
"Well, I learnt from Grandma," Jin Fu said.
"Grandmother of your friend?"
"Yes, Grandma of Wen Yi. My god-father's waists were usually hurt, so Grandma taught me and I usually massaged my god-father when I visited him."
"Did you ever massage someone besides your god-father?"
"Yes, I did." Jin Fu nodded. "I massaged old people in the park. Then they gave me a tip."
"Were you a massage-boy?" He Hua narrowed eyebrows.
"So what? I just gave relief pain service, and they gave me money because they were satisfied with my service. And I did not demand from them. They could give me whatever. Some of them gave money, some gave food, some gave drinks, and some did not."
The boss of the gang watched the young chap who was talking with him. He felt his life was not different from him.
"You and Wen Yi are childhood friends?" He said.
"No." Jin Fu shook his head. "We met when we studied in the university. We were classmates."
"You have only one friend?"
"In the class, most of them were from well being families. I and Wen Yi were low. Actually, it was not that they discriminated against us, but we, ourselves, did not want to be involved with them because we thought we were inferior."
The boss stayed silent giving time to his companion to narrate his life experience.
"I and Wen Yi have many similarities, such as we are poor, we don't have parents, and we like IT. When we were in the university, we had to study and earn money at the same time because we did not have anyone to support us. Wen Yi was luckier than me because he had Grandma and he had a house. He let me stay with him. I did not need to pay for house and food, but I needed to spend for school myself, so I had to find work to earn money. Massage for old people in the park was the first job I did. After school, in the evening, I usually went there and did massages for the people that came to do exercise or play mahjong. When they gave me money, I saved. I planned to buy phones for my god-father and I to keep in touch."
"It was phone that was broken and you want to keep it, isn't it?"
"You bought it with your massage job earning?"
"No..." Jin Fu shook head. "Tip was not much. Even though I saved, it was still less. I got phones with my earnings from hacking."
"Hacking!" He Hua narrowed his eyes when he heard it.
Jin Fu showed a small chuckles then explained, "In my class, at the third year, there was one classmate. He was the son of a millionaire in Hong Kong. He was crazy about IT like I do. He was talented and he had money. He had many programs. He knew about software. He had almost everything about IT. He liked me and Wen Yi. He usually called me and Wen Yi to his house and shared everything about his things. He had friends abroad too. They were all IT addicted. That friend learnt all even how to hack. He taught me and Wen Yi, but Wen Yi did not like it, he preferred games, so he told and guided Wen Yi how to create the game. As for me, I was interested in hacking, so he taught me, and also his friends from abroad - I learnt from them."
"That's why you are skilled in hacking."
"Thanks for your praise." Jin Fu raised his hands to kowtow.
"I practiced everyday," he continued. "After school, I ran to his house and stayed with him; sometimes, I did it for the whole night and in the morning, I slept in class, then the teacher scolded me."
"Practice?" He Hua cocked his head. "You mean you hacked."
"Father of that classmate was a rich. He had a big company. And we hacked his father's company."
It was so surprising to hear that. The boss of gang unlocked his eyes very big.
"Did his father know?"
"He knew."
"And then?"
"He did not say anything, not even blame. He just told his IT to re-construct. Then I and his son hacked again."
"My god." He Hua shook his head. It was unbelievable.
"When I think about it, I feel it was so funny. As youth, we were insane. We did not care. We liked to do what we liked to do. We did not have to worry or even think. Like me and him, we were so crazy about hacking, so we tried to find ways to hack. It was lucky that we hacked his father's company or we would end up in jail. And his father was good too. He knew the hacker was us, but he did not say, and he seemed to help us improve our skill. We hacked, he repaired and constructed a new and strong wall, then we hacked again, he made another stronger wall, and we hacked again and he built stronger protection and we hacked again. We did until we graduated. Then he went with his father to live abroad and we did not contact till today."
He Hua wagged his head in a row. Now, he knew where Jin Fu hacking's skill came from, and why he was so skillful - because he had practiced.
"You got money from hacking?"
"Yes." Jin Fu nodded. "When I helped him hack his father's company successfully, he gave me money. It was quite a lot, and I used it to buy phones, one for my god-father and one for me."
"Where is another phone?"
"When my god-father died, I buried it with him."
On face of the young man showed a smile but it seemed a sad smle.
'Perhaps he misses his god-father.' He Hua thought, and perhaps he reminded the events he had gone through - the difficult time and the dark period.
Because He Hua experienced it himself, so he could understand the feelings of his worker. To encourage him, he extended his hand to pat his head gently, "It's good now."
The action of the boss pulled the young companion to look at him with lips expanded from ear to ear. This gesture was a sign of comfort and also the praise. Jin Fu reminded of his god-father - he usually did this to him when he wanted to motivate him.
"Now, it's late. Go to sleep," He Hua said then he withdrew his hand.
"Wait," Jin Fu called.
"Why do you hurt your waists?"
Hearing the question, the elder boss watched the face of his male buddy.