Chapter: 0 : Prologue: A City Filled with Them

Time is ticking. Roads are filled with people. But among them there are monsters.

"The world is full of Junk(Crime)"

"Why there are so many of them"

"Every day I have to see them. Oh.. (Sight) That's another one."

"Why am I thinking about them? and I have to hurry to the store before it's too late"

Started walking fast. People were passing by him. The sound of his shoes sounded so dense.

Suddenly he stopped. There was a Vegetable shop in front of him. A lady in her 80s was the Shop owner.

"The veggies are cheap but rotten like them. Now nobody is HUMAN."

TV News Reporter: (Today's news another Psychopath was died by accident. Many psychopaths are becoming victims of accidents and suicide cases. Many people believe that a person is behind this and they named the person PSYCHOKILLER.

A Silent smile comes from his mouth.

"Detective do you have anything to say?"

Detective: We have no clue who he is whatsoever.but we are trying our best to cope with this situation. )

The shop lady said " There goes another one. It is good and bad news both at the same time.

Whatever, Boy do you need anything? I got some fresh veggies."

"Not Today"

"Okay, *Such a shy boy* " said the shop lady with a smile on her face.

The boy started walking again

"The sky is Blue as always."

This is a city filled with them. You might already figure out who I am Addressing them. Yes, you guessed right. It's the 'PSYCHOPATHS'

There are many types of psychopaths. The Bad One, The Hopeless One, and... the Good One. But

n-not that.... good. he also kills people.

Just KIDDING there's no good Psychopath

"Ahhha haa haha" laughing uncontrollably.

People were staring at him.

"Is he one of them?"

Someone call the police.

* I think he needs medical treatment.*

"He is Creeping me"

"Ohh! I forgot I am in public. " The boy felt ashamed.

After a while, he reached one place he could call home.

"Home Sweet Home"

Looking at the Store with a billboard Psycho Store.

He remembered correctly that he surely locked the door when he was leaving.

But the door is now broken. Who could it be?

Looking at the lock

"Now, That's a Skill."

At this moment he somehow knew that someone will visit the Store.

He entered the store with the door.

Sees... A mask Guy sitting on a Chair. It's a Leather Chair in Red color. At first glance, It looks like a chair made for the King.

Mask guy said "Ohh! Found you. I was eagerly waiting for you." ( Smiles Strangely )

" Did I won the lottery?"

"More Precious than lottery"

" A shabby Theif like you who broke into my store will be giving me something more precious than the lottery. For crying out loud!"

"Are you still going to Pretend as nothing happened? You Damn MONSTER" The masked guy Shouted with anger.

He Pulls out the pistol in his pocket. A new model pistol. Bullets are all loaded.

His hand was trembling It can't be fear. Right?

he aimed toward The boy. The wind was kinda chilly. The store light was not lit. So, the darkness of the environment gave it more thrill. Will the masked guy shoot at him? The boy did not move from his place. He was standing like a rock. Does he not fear death?

A sound came from the pistol. The bullet was breaking the air near it in order to move forward. It was running like a horse.

It did hit. Blood was being flooded on the floor.

Red-colored blood was being shed down....