My name is Abi. I am 25 years old. I love to in this alley. You ask why? hmm... Maybe because this city gives me the thrill I want.
If you ever come to visit this city, Never go to the Back Alley. If you go there, You might never Come Back Alive. Scary! Right?
Sometimes I think to myself...
Everyone wants to be a hero.
If everyone is a hero,
then there will not be Villains.
If there were no Villains.
People will not give a Damn to heroes.
"Basically, People take heroes for some kind of pleasure. I don't want to please people. They might have multiple personality disorder."
[Note: Multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a mental disorder characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states.-Wikipedia]
Once a lonely person said.
"I have learned that Pleasing everyone is impossible,
But pissing everyone is easy and fun as hell." -Hikigaya
"After giving it a lot of thought I came to realize that,
"I Want to be The Villain of This Story."
[Recap: "shiiiiiiit, I accidentally step on a Stone. The Shop looks more like a bar than a Book Store. Hey, should help me solve the Cases.
I haven't said yes ]
"You are asking me to solve the Cases. That's for detectives. But the books.... ah heh.....
Since little, he likes to read mystery books. He has no friends in childhood. Thus he becomes a book worm. For that reason, he can't deny Jacob's proposal.
"fine, You give me Intel I will give you a hint," Abi replied to Jacob's Proposal. Abi is a book worm.
"That's fine. That's something than getting nothing."
~Pick me! Pick me! Pick me up!~ [Ringtone]
Jacob's Phone is ringing.
"Hello, Mr. Beak! New case! okk I am coming."
After hanging the phone he leaves immediately.
"I have got a new case. Wait I will bring some hot intels "
In the evening, When Abi is putting new books on the front shelves.
Jacob comes back.
He seems exhausted. He is sweating like crazy. Maybe because of all running.
After all, he is a detective.
"This case is super mysterious. You would be thrilled to hear it."
"Would you mind telling me the case, Mr. detective? I have things to do."
Two victims one dead body found. A family of four lived in the house. the black shoe killed the Father and son. The Father was found in the parking lot. He was badly wounded. But the son is missing. When it happened the daughter and mother were out to buy groceries. The next-door neighbor did not see anything. But he heard the sound of people fighting. when he came into contact with the crime scene, the black shoe already Left the place with the son.
Jacob said first,
"I think it is a simple Case. Here's my accumulation the black shoe came to kill everyone in that family. But he couldn't because the next door came to the crime scene. So, the black shoe left with the son.
He didn't have time to kill the son."
"Do you really think the case is that simple?"
In this city, Many kinds of black shoes live.
There's a Clever one, the foolish one, The tidy One, untidy one, I personally like the tidy one, After all, You have to clean your plate after eating.
I call them spiders (Psychopaths).
Spiders 🕷️ love traps.
They don't go out to hunt like other creatures. They wait for their victim.
"What was the crime scene looks like?"
Abi asked calmly.
"The body looks like a bloody sausage. I mean it was covered with blood. Murder weapon maybe some kind of knife. The forensic test showed the victim was stabbed 5 times.
what's weird is the CC camera broken on the other day."
"So, his plan worked out. Now I don't find it interesting." Abi said with a confident voice.
"What!! but how! who is the black shoe?" Jacob exclaimed with shock.
"I did promise that I will give you hints.
You just have to do one thing or you can't solve any case.
🕷️ Think Like a Spider 🕷️
"What kind of joke is that? At least give me a proper hint."
Jacob leaves with anger. He doesn't understand what Abi is trying to say. He steps out of the store mumbling himself...
"What's wrong with him?' Even when I asked him about his past...."
"If you ever get to know my past you would kill me right there. I will tell you when the right time comes. About my family you say? my mother died when I was born. My father also died. But he did save a lot of money. With that money, I can live at least 60 more years."
Jacob finds Abi more mysterious than the case itself.
"Welcome to My KINGDOM, Jacob..."